
What was the issue in the issue in the watergate scandal? and how was is resolve?

by  |  earlier

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Serious answer please.




  1. You're kidding, right?

    Burglars broke into the Democratic Party headquarters at the hotel. Mercenaries and anti-Castro Cubans.

    Do a little research. You might learn something.

  2. Look up Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.

  3. The other posters mention the reasons behind the Watergate scandal. However, the way it was resolved was with the resignation of President Nixon and his successor's subsequent pardon of him. That pretty much ended it all.

  4. Sounds like a class discussion.  I won't give you the answer but I will give you hints:  there was a president; a wire tap; a snitch; and a couple of newspaper reporters who uncovered it.  Good luck.

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