
What was the largest plane ever made?

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What was the largest plane ever made?




  1. The Antonov 225

  2. HOWARD HUGHES,the giant flying boat, he doesn't  like the name  Hercules  (h 4) HE CALL IT


    wingspan 320 feet

    length 219 feet

    wing area 11,430 square feet

    maximum take off weight 400,000 lbs.

    maximum cargo payload 130,000 lbs.

    power plant 8x3,000 hp  pratt.

    whitney R4360-  4,28 cylinder radial

    was  Fly  once  and 1947

  3. Hughes H-4 Hercules

  4. Antonov AN-225 heavy lifter is the longest and heaviest airplane ever (and by that definition, is considered the largest) and is still in operation today.

    However, the Spruce Goose (Hughes H-4) has the longest wingspan and is the tallest airplane ever built.  It only flew once and now is in the Evergreen Museum in Oregon.

  5. It depends on what metric you are looking at when you say "largest."

    The Hughes H-4 Hercules (aka "Spruce Goose") has the longest wingspan of any aircraft that has been built, and is called the largest flying boat ever built. Those are the only two claims the Spruce Goose can make anymore for the "largest" aircraft ever made.

    The A380 ties the Spruce Goose in tail height, and is both the largest passenger aircraft ever made, as well as the largest aircraft currently in production.

    The AN-225 Mriya is the longest aircraft ever built, and is the largest cargo aircraft ever built.

  6. I thought that Howard Hughes built quite a large one.

    There was also a Bristol Brabazon, I think that is how you spell it. It had eight propeller engines.

    I visited the hangar, at Filton near Bristol, where that was built, it had four Concords and two other planes being built at the time (late 1970s).

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