
What was the last blackmail attempt against the Royal Family a 100 years ago?

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It was said that this was the first blackmail attempt against the Royal Family in more than 100 years. What was the last scandal about more than 100 years ago?




  1. Queen Victoria's wayward son, and 2 ladies of the evening or daytime.

    they weren't any different than the Ladies like camilla's great grandmother was.

    also there was that card game insident with edward v11 back in the 1890's.

    he was cheating and got caught, the man who accused him was illeminated from society functions.

    Rachell explains it better than I did.

    it happens often but we never hear about

  2. two prostitutes were trying to blackmail a royal aide

    looks like i was wrong, smartypants below seems to have it

  3. In 1891, the future Edward VII discussed with his solicitor paying off two prostitutes he frequented in return for letters he had written to them.

    Also in 1891, he was embroiled in the Royal Baccarat Scandal, when it was revealed he had played an illegal card game for money the previous year. The Prince was forced to appear as a witness in court for a second time when one of the players unsuccessfully sued his fellow players for slander after being accused of cheating. The same year he became embroiled in a personal conflict, when Lord Charles Beresford threatened to reveal details of Edward's private life to the press, as a protest against Edward interfering with Beresford's affair with Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick. The friendship between the two men was irreversibly damaged, and their bitterness would last for the remainder of their lives.

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