
What was the last nice thing you did for someone and for yourself?

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What was the last nice thing you did for someone and for yourself?




  1. Got a divorce.  We're both happy now.  

  2. I cooked supper for the family.h**l I do it everyday.

  3.    Lately...I took my daughter to the park today...we rode bicycles there and back...had a little picnic,  walked along the bayou and watched the fish jumping.It was quite refreshing...Thank you

  4. Someone else: purchased a pair of shoes for a homeless client.

    Myself: spent the last 2 days alone in a cabin in the woods writing in my sons journal.

  5. this isn't anything GREAT or really nice lol.. but two days ago i went to a concert and i was in a mosh pit and a girl fell and i picked her up before she got trampled lol..  

  6. Had to get out of bed to tow a friend about 100 miles after his  car broke down! I find that doing things like that only shows you just how good of a person or friend you can be!

    He tried to pay me even for gas money but I said if the shoe is on the other foot then I expect you to do this for your friends as well!  If you want a miracle then be the miracle is another of my mottos's!

    As for myself when I take my wife out it's also doing myself a favor by spending time with the love of my life!! Always good!

  7. I was invited to my friends house for the afternoon/evening. I took homemade salads, pork chops and fresh vegetables. We all had a great dinner with funny stories. It was good to be around people who care.

  8. For me, stopped myself from eating chocolate cake that would surely have given me another migraine..... for another, hopefully made her smile just enough to stop her from drowing her sorrows in alcohol and drugs.....;0)

    peace baby


  9. getting myself a pedicure

  10. some one

    kissed them


    kiss tht person

    anser mine plz;...

  11. I had fun this weekend which was good for me and others

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