
What was the last thing you dreamed about?

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  1. Clay in a Jar.

  2. Playing wheelchair basketball.  I'm serious.

  3. I think I dreamed about the problem of trying to get rid of the squirrels here who have been bothering quite a bit.  They ruined my back screen door for one thing.

  4. I was in a car crash, and my mom died, and a celebrity and her driver took us to the hospital, where my mom died.

    I don't wanna have that dream again.

  5. you, me and a jar of peanut butter

  6. I last dreamed of you sweetheart,we were holding hands and looking into each other`s eyes,very much in love.

  7. This morning I kept dreaming about a truck backing up making that beeping noise,  then I realized my daughter had left for school while her alarm was on snooze....

    After turning off her alarm and eliminating the beeping noise that fueled my dream, I tried to go back to sleep so I could dream about creative and interesting ways in which to destroy an alarm clock, but alas I was awake so I made pancakes instead.....  

  8. chickens typing essays

  9. Just yesterday, wrecking a truck and dying, and I was with my son again. It was neat. And then lunkhead woke me up and ruined it because he can't call himself off work.  

  10. Serving on a jury in 1974. Dreamed about it yesterday. It was a long time ago, but a coworker caused me to pull up the memory.

  11. A rock star.

  12. dont meant to freek you out or sound gross but this is my dream last night, i had a very very vivid dream where i was bleeding out my mouth, dont know why, just was, i woke up very sudden finding myself litterly looking to see if i actually was. almost freeked me out...

  13. Animal Olympics, for some reason I was a rhino competing in something.  

  14. Zombies with tanks invading the Earth.

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