
What was the last thing you learned about yourself?

by  |  earlier

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I learned that when I put my foot down it works! :)






  1. that married women are attracted to me, h**l if i know why, but i have so many married women interested in me it is really weird.

    i know i know, big time karma but hey gotta go for the action wherever it is right? or maybe not?

  2. That when I eat magic mushrooms I need to be in the mountains.

  3. i learned that im shy around certain people i'd rather not be shy around...:\

  4. That I have this strange attraction to younger men!

  5. that people can make me cry very very easily

  6. that I'm far to impulsive and that I need to think before opening my mouth and putting my big size 7 foot in it!

  7. Never marry someone who drinks just because they look good and are good in bed.  

  8. that i don't have to have a man in my life to make it complete.

  9. *I need more patience

    **Single dad of two kids (13 and 11 yrs. old).

    *I'm not made out of steel

    **Busted up a rib in my last tournament.

    **It's been three weeks, I guess I should see a doctor ...


  10. I learned that I'm more brave in Y/A than I am in real life. I have like this alter-ego thing going on in here. :-)

  11. that when I pull on it with the left hand it feels almost as good.

  12. that i liked him a lot more than i thought i did :(

  13. I learn that appearently, I haven't breathe enough for one day.

  14. that i like girls just as much as i like guys

  15. i have a ego problem lol

    answer mine plz;...

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