
What was the last thing you sniffed and regretted doing so ?

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What was the last thing you sniffed and regretted doing so ?




  1. My farts  

  2. some expired peach mango pie.  It was so disgusting! LOL

  3. a pair of swimming trunks

  4. The loo all of yesterday and today. The whole house caught a lovely little 24 hour sickness and diarrhea bug...

  5. my finger, do i really have to tell you where it was

  6. About 1 hour ago I walked into one of my co-workers office.... I think he may have let one rip because it smelled really bad in there.

    I regret smelling that!!!  

  7. my finger and where it was last

  8. A reduced fish in Morrisons.

  9. it was brown and on the bottom of my shoe!

  10. your ma's ****

  11. My mother-in-laws perfume...AAARRRGGGHHH!!!  Eau de toilet bowl........

  12. Some Cheerio's theybrought back happy memories ... *cries*

  13. I used to sniff beads up my nose when I was 5.

  14. a pair of knickers..

  15. Hey, about ten minutes ago!  I opened the tumble dryer and found some foul smelling clothes in there... they were my dads.  I think he must have put them in weeks ago and forgot to turn it on!

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