
What was the last time you were in the Emergency Room?

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What was the reason? Just courious and board!




  1. The last time I went my mom had pneumonia about 2 weeks ago. The last time I had to go, I had been bitten by my pet rat, and my thumb was so swollen it started to split (yucky!) The time before I got hit in the head with a surfboard on my honeymoon and almost had my ear ripped off. (ten stitches) Yes I do have crazy bad luck! There are still more crazy visits before those...

  2. panic attack thought i was having a heart attack tho. stupid me im only 20 years old.

  3. I go about 15 days a month. They pay me to.

    The last time I was on the other end of the stethoscope, so to speak, was over a quarter century ago. I had a hole in my ankle, and my then-wife was pissed because I bled on the carpet, so nothing would do but to see another doctor, who explored the wound and told me to do what I'd already been doing. Big surprise.

  4. on April 4th my son 9yrs got hit with a glass bottle in his eye it split his face and eyeball, the glass severed his sinus and went into his bone,he was split from the side of his right nostril up and  around to his temple after about 6hours of surgery the doctors said they didn't think he would be able to keep his eye 50/50, but thankfully he is doing great he has 20/200 vision now he still has 7 stitches in his eyeball and he may need a cornea transplant when he is about 18 or so but  thank god and the doctors he will be able to keep the eye. he was sooooo brave he did better than i would have he also thinks its cool you can see the scar on his eyeball.

  5. The last time was this AM as I left from my 12 hour shift. The last time I needed ER services was for a kidney stone 6 months ago (my first). I never understood how much they hurt. I was impressed.

    Old Doc

  6. Bug bite somehow, i woke up with a huge red streak down my arm and a puffy vein, it hurt when i touched it.  At first it looked like i slept on it wrong but it got worse and worse so i went to the emergency room after checking it out with a neighbor who is a nurse, turns out i had a blood infection and all they said was "good thing you didn't wait any longer, it could have gone to your heart", so i got a very thick shot and that was it.

  7. 2 yrs ago heart attack 45 minutes later heart surgery

  8. Went in for severe abdominal pain and ended up getting my gallbladder removed.

  9. I thought I had an aneurysm. But my dentist forgot to prescribe pain medicine after a root canal. I thought I was dying.

  10. I've never been.  The most serious things that have happened to me have been bad sprains that I got checked out by my family doctor who ordered x-rays just to make sure they weren't broken bones.

  11. In April.  My 6 yr. old hit her chin on the side of the pool in swim class.  Just some liquid stitches luckily.  Before that, my last visit was when I had her.  She came very quickly, and we delivered at home about 5 minutes before the ambulance got there.  

  12. hahaha

    i went to the emergency room about 3 years ago because i was allergic to my sinus medicine and my stupid doctor made a mistake and told me that it was nothing

    isn't he =DD

  13. 4 years ago, appendectomy wound up staying in the hospital for 10 days :(  that was the worst pain I have ever gone through in my whole life!!  

  14. The walk-in clinic doctor thought I had appendicitis and found an abdominal mass and sent me straight to the ER.  I didn't have appendicitis, but they think I have a large endometrioma in my abdominal muscle wall.  This happened about a month ago.

  15. i was last in the emergency room when i was in the 9th grade (like 15). My PE teacher was making us run backwards and i fell on my wrist and sprained it really bad. IT HURT SO SO BAD!!  

  16. i think i almost live in emergency rooms...the last time was this june.. i went in because my back was bothering me and my doctor advised to go in to see if it corresponded with my hamstring problem that has remained a mystery for 4 years and now they are passing off as "tendonitis". Sorry Im rambling. lol

  17. When I was 19 (3 years ago) I kept having panic attacks with severe chest pain and nausea so my husband took me to the hospital to make sure I was okay. The doctor said that I didn't have any heart problems and that I was just suffering severe anxiety attacks

  18. never i never broke anything or got hurt that i needed to be in the emergancy room mee soo lucky =]

  19. like 2 weeks ago, i got in because i got into a fight with the girl and she came up behind me and starting beating me in the head with a wrench, i had head && joint trauma.  

  20. Similar to the first person, heart attack like symptoms, chest aches, stress related.  

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