
What was the longest time you felt depressed..or..?

by  |  earlier

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hopeless or just going through a rough time. weeks, months, years? was there really light at the end of the tunnel?




  1. For about a year cause my ex left me right before our 3rd anniversary. We wasn't married but I loved her. Yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel I found it last year.

  2. I was quite depressed from 9th grade on up to about senior year of HS. I was still depressed in the beginning of 2002 when I started college- but I started to exercise more that semester. And let me tell you, that was the first time in a long, long time that I broke away from my depression. I took a much needed break in the spring of 2003- and worked out alot more and just rested. I never felt so good. I had high self-esteem and happiness from 2003 until the beginning of 2006. It was amazing. Though, I started to become depressed again in 2006 and am still currently depressed.

    I just think it's normal to go through periods of depression and joy. I think if I really work at it, I can experience the happiness I had in 2003-2005. There is always hope!

  3. I would say I was depressed for a year.I'mm actually bi-polar and yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It may not seem like it now but there is. Keep faith and take your meds. Good Luck to you

  4. I went through a depression for about 6 months. It didn't start all at once. I lost several members of my family, one after another. During that time, I learned that I had a serious illness which would require several surgeries. Shortly after that, a close friend of mine was murdered. I remained strong through most of that, and about a year went by.

    One day, I felt this horrible flu like feeling overcoming me. I didn't have a fever, so I waited to go to the doctor. I took Nyquil for about a week and then decided it was the illness again. I went to my doctors, and after about a month of tests, they decided it was depression. They started me on Zoloft, and I was not thrilled about taking it. It took about a month for me to feel the effects of it.

    I started feeling better, and one day I realized I was no longer depressed. I'm not sure if it was all Zoloft, or that I needed a change in me. I needed a change in my perception of what really mattered to me. Maybe the medicine helped. Either way, I stayed on it for two years and then decided to quit taking it. I taper off against my doctors wishes.

    It's been four years since I went solo without the medication, and I've done fine. Yes, there was a light at the end of it all.  

  5. i went though a depression for about 3 months where my personality entirely changed, i just felt sad all the time, like on the brink of tears... i think it was post traumatic stress disorder, but it was still depression to me... i just kinda decided that i was sick of it and forced myself to be strong.. i feel normal again now.. somehow i guess i wanted to have control of myself again and i made it happen..

  6. its been years, with one all to breif break, no light yet, thought it was commin but it was more pain

  7. depends of the situation , all you need is to talk to yourself even if it looks crazy , tell yourself , get up , eat, take a shower you know , talk to God or anything you believe in , write all your anger or frustration and date it .....times cures everything ! EVERYTHING , you will read your notes in a few month and you will be laughing , pray , I'm a Cristian , not a crazy maniac , but I believe in God so I got this book call , your best life now , by Joel Osteen , is the best Book , it help me get out of my depression after my divorce , I was by myself with my two Little kids and believe me you will be Laughing about all this in a few months ...only you can make it happen .

  8. each is  different thing.  Depressed? 20 or 30 seconds.

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