
What was the longest you blew your car horn non stop?

by  |  earlier

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Horn honking can be annoying....sometimes it needs to be done...ever gave that horn a good long blast?




  1. i say about 5 to 10 sec.

  2. i never honk at people!

    im afraid!

    the longest i'd say is..3 seconds.

  3. my aunt had a yugo....

    when she drove up to my house, the horn was honking constantly. I asked what's up with that? she said it began doing that in Arizona.....I am in Oklahoma

  4. yes, when i was cut off by a speeding bus and i totally turned my wheels to the sides of the street. i blew my horn maybe for 30 seconds till i was able to get past him. it was not a sweet revenge though =). Didn't do it again. it was nasty.

  5. I would say 10 seconds, then when I caught up with her I started yelling at her for cutting me off.

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