
What was the main cause of the American Civil War? Links please?

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What was the main cause of the American Civil War? What various factors contributed to the start of the War? I need links to websites with answers to these questions, as I am doing it for a VERY important history assigmetn (part speech) and i need help urgently...

Thank you!





  1. The Civil War was not incited by one particular event, but rather a series of events over many years.

    Instead of waiting for people to answer your question, get on a search engine and start finding info!  You should be able to find a lot of info in a little amount of time.  If you have a textbook, consult it.

  2. Series of events over many years.

    Several laws passed that were economically repressive to the South.

    Several tariffs and restrictions on free movement of goods that were economically important to the South.

    South was originally settled by lower classes, racial minorities (even though they were white Europeans, at the time in history those areas originally were settled there was a lot of prejudice against Scots and Irish and English hill people and northern English), and some forced settlement by criminals (like Australia). Lots of prejudice against Southerners by Northerners (who at that time were descendants of upper-class British).

    Ongoing tensions over slavery. This was a big point, but not as important as the "winners" of the US Civil War claimed afterward.  

  3. The election of Abe Lincoln as president He detested slavery

    just as an aside many like to point to that blacks were counted as 3/5 of a man and just how racist America was This was a northern proposal to keep the population count down in the south there by keeping southerns out of the house of Representative as it is mandated by the size of the population of each state

    Even Al Gore made comment about this and how racist America was He did not know ,,on this any way what he was talking about

    Do not agree with the above post Slavery was the main issue the South attacked the north England supplied the south during the civil war,Most did not own slaves but deeply resented being told what to do

    Look up John Brown it well show the tension of the time He is hated in the south to this day

    I'm a southern

  4. Ok - i take history at school but I haven't studied the Civil War yet so i' can't be a lot of help but I found this site which seems to give brief points about the American Civil War. Yeah - i don't know how much you'll be able to do with this link - but check it out anyway :)

    Good Luck  

  5. States rights, and Lincoln used to love to tell racial jokes.

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