
What was the most beautiful moment of your life?

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Hi alpha, I used to do that with my horse, too. Sometimes I'd go without a bridle as well as no saddle, and just go where she wanted to go. It was blissful.




  1. The exact moment I found Christ

    and accepted him as my Lord

    and Savior. There has never been

    more tears of joy in all of my life.

    Thanks, for reminding me! A star

    for you.



  2. ***** (my own asterisks)

  3. The birth of my first child of six.  

    Sitting in Zen meditation while being showered with Gods grace and love.  All things are made clear when we return to our source and abandon our ego's for our innate Holy nature.

  4. finding out Jesus was real.... and my blessed savior

    and the births of my 12 kiddios

  5. Ok I know this might sound lame to a lot of people.. but it was with a past dog that was my best friend.

    At the time I was about 15yrs old. She brought me so much happiness when I was going through a hard time in my life. She was from a friend who could no longer keep her.. and unfortunately the dog was abused in that house.. but the father also abused his family. well to make a long story short.. My family helped make the dogs life better and she not only made my life better but taught uncondional love.

    So to actually answer the question.. the most beautiful moment was a time at a park.. I took her off leash and let her run free (I had trained her before doing this) and she RAN happily, then when I asked her to WAIT.. she did and then we repeat this over and over.. and knowing where she came from (use to run away from people at abused house) it gave me great pride and joy to see her run freely TRUSTING me, loving me. Which when I called to her she would happily come to me.

    The most beautiful time of life was sharing it with my best friend dog Jessica.

  6. ...dropping down the face of a rising liquid wall, with the wind breezing by and as you are looking across a ten foot wall of water...thinking and beautiful life is...

  7. The most beautiful moment in my life was being with the love of my life. Usually when people ask me, "Have I ever been in love?? I say, no. Yet I am, and I always will be. Whether it was clapping to poetical music or discussing philosophy and novels, he is my ultimate.

  8. It hasn't happened yet... :)

  9. far...okay, this is going to sound pretty corny. It's hard for someone to understand another person's "most beautiful moment" because they weren't there, but I'll try to describe it to you.

    I had taken my horse out to a field in the forest, on the most perfect day you could ever imagine. I was bareback (no saddle). It was just me and the horse. And the best thing that day was just galloping around that field, feeling weightless, the sun on your skin, your hands in a horse's mane. There's nothing like it. It didn't matter if we had been galloping in the pouring rain - nothing compares to flying. Even if it's in the rain. :P

    But that was the most beautiful moment of my life. what was yours?

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