
What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

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What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?




  1. My fiance and I were going to college. He lived with five other guys, but at any given time there would be one or two random guys that would stay there for the week. In order to see each other I would have to come over in the early morning between our two jobs and classes. It was that, or we couldn’t see each other during the week. He started sleeping out on the couch because his roommate that shared a room with him started a graveyard shift and needed his sleep. One morning, before the sun came up, I had just let myself in to his apartment, and saw that his alarm clock was by the couch so that he wouldn’t sleep through class. He hadn’t been expecting me so I carefully walked through the pitch black apartment trying not to trip over anything. I wanted to surprise him with a wake up kiss, so I knelt down and started to kiss him. It was turning quite passionate when all of the sudden he went completely rigid. I sat up to see what was wrong and it wasn’t my fiance at all. It was some random guy who had just happened to stay overnight. I thought I was going to die! All I could pathetically say was, “Sorry, I thought you were my fiance.” His reply’ Well, after he stopped laughing and could finally take a breath said “It’s all good.”

  2. when i got scolding  from a stranger

  3. going to a wedding

    getting drunk and tripping over, and smashing the wedding cake all over the floor.

  4. I was in year 9 and we were having an exam. It was so quiet, you could even hear people breathe. I was in the middle of my exam when suddenly, my chair collapsed. Everyone looked at me at started laughing. That day, I was wearing a flowered underwear and i had my period. It was the second day of my period - the HEAVIEST DAY! Everyone saw my underwear while i tried getting up. I was wearing a cute skirt. The blood leaked out of my underwear and when i stood up, people started laughing even harder. There was a blood stain on my bum and it even stained the seat. I ran to the bathroom and I tried washing everything off. There was a red spot on my bum for the rest of the day - I had to go back in the exam room with what i was wearing. I walked past everyone and people were staring at my butt and I heard everyone giggle! I still haven't lived it down.

  5. being rejected at my high school date In the presence of my peers, at my high school prom.  i got over it, i still care and like people.

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