
What was the most expensive resturant you've ever been to?

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What was the most expensive resturant you've ever been to?




  1. The restaurant that I took my ex wife to when I asked her to marry me.  That meal cost me 2 houses and over $350,000.

  2. Ruth Chris's Steakhouse. I ate at the one in NYC but there are others in the U.S. My steak dinner cost around $60 but the portions are huge and the food was wonderful. My sister, niece and myself went on a girls weekend to the city, glad my husband wasn't there he would have probably ordered a glass of water!! ha ha!!!

  3. I've been to Grill 225 in Charleston and for 5 of us the meal was over $500! But the service and cuisine were fantastic.

  4. Citronelle in Washington, DC. The chef is world renowned and the freakin' dinner cost us (my husband and I) almost $400, and we didn't even order wine. Maybe he had a cocktail. The place was voted as best restaurant by Washingtonian magazine this year, and my husband absolutely loved it but I still don't understand what all the hype is about. I thought it was okay. I think Michel Richard got a little too fancy with his creations and left out some of the flavors.

  5. japans lee resturant

  6. McDonnalds! LOL

  7. Bertolini's  downtown Indianapolis.

  8. there was this really expensive place in a hotel that  charged me like ten dollars for an iced tea, but i dont remember the name. and no the tea was not imported and the food tasted like cr@p

  9. Some place in Pontiac, Michigan. It's Italian, was right by the Silverdome and was definitely the classiest place I've ever eaten at.

    The other would be Hemenway's out in Providence, Rhode Island.

  10. carabas

  11. I won't say it's the most expensive coz I'm pretty sure there are more expensive restaurants out there but I brought my girlfriend to the Cheesecake factory and I spent 70 bucks for the 2 of us.


  13. Its a toss up between Carolina's and High Cotton, both in Charleston SC. They were expensive, at least to me. There are more expensive ones here but I haven't been to them.

  14. I think it was Emerald's (not sure of the exact name but it is the Emarald on the cooking shows restaurant)in Las Vegas. It was the  most disappointing meal ever, besides being ridiculously overpriced. I couldn't even eat most of my food, nor could my husband. We had high hopes for the dessert-but again just a huge disappointment. Can't stand to watch him anymore after that very bad experience!

  15. Sizzler !!!

    Anyplace you don't have to unwrap your dinner is REALLY CLASSY!

  16. when i went to a resturant where i needed to pay thr bill for others

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