
What was the most hilarious question your son/daughter has asked you?

by Guest66571  |  earlier

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Like when they were 2 or 6 or even now =]

I just need a good laugh! Thanks =]




  1. I don't know if it was the most hilarious question, but it had some ladies in the bathroom about a month ago laughing.  I was at a amusement park with my 4 1/2 year old daughters, and we were using the bathroom, and well I had to go too.  And my daughter decided to ask very loudly, "Mommy why do you have hair on your bits? I don't have hair on mine." And my other daughter decided to answer her with, "Katie, only Mommys have hair on their bits"

    I never had a chance to say anything, as they were then distracted by something else by that point.  

  2. My bff  has 5 children & I had one at that time..

    kameron is 5 he asks why don't you have more babies? you had to see his expression my bff & I fell out laughing..Now I have a lil one on the way I can't wait to tell him I'm having a

  3. 14....

    ''mum im pregnant''

    i thought it was a joke,but she was serious :P

    well,,sH*it happens HUH ?:P


    p.s this is her account  

  4. My now 5½yr old daughter asked me last year when she was 4, how do babies come out of their mummies bellies, I told her then it was magic, but she kept asking once every once in a while (so clearly knew my answer was bogus lol) so she asked me just the other week again and said "Mum don't be silly it's not by magic", I was not ready for that, so I told her the truth that they come out of the mummies f***y (v****a). lol. she was just like "OHHHHHH That's gotta hurt"

    I just cracked up laughing lol.

  5. When I was pregnant with my son, my niece kept asking me how the baby was going to come out. I told her to ask her mother, since I didn't feel it was my place. She was 4 at the time, and I didn't think my sister in law would tell her the actual way they come out, but she did. Anyway, she asked me again, after her mother told her, and I said,"I thought your mommy told you already". She said, "She did, but I don't believe her" I asked her how she thought the baby came and she said, " It explodes out your belly button. That's why you have all those lines (stretch marks) on your belly!"

  6. Our son didn't understand that people don't just keep growing - he's always been on the tall side for his age group. He asked when he was about 5 when grandpa was going to hit a growth "sprout" (spurt) because he turned 70 and wasn't a giant.  

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