
What was the most important contribuition to our history by geologists?

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What was the most important contribuition to our history by geologists?




  1. Take your pick from these:

  2. Possibly the concept of uniformitarianism and also the idea that the earth was a whole lot older than the bilical story....basically it helped humanity start to escape the tyranny of religious dogma

  3. After some decade my story will be published.I am the one issued the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast .I have used my scientific known knowledge and the instrument designed by me at the cost of just U.S $ 20 .The instrument was designed by me in the year 2001. Its usage was not accepted by some section of seismologist.It has proved its important on the day of Tsunami.But it has not yet come to rescue the people who are affected by several natural disasters.

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