
What was the most interesting thing on your trip to Germany?

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I realy love traveling Germnay. I totaly love the mountains and castles there and this kind of "old-times-feeling"? How about you? What great things did you discover there, that you would like others to see or experience? Why did you go there in the first place? Would be nice if you state your country, too!




  1. Potsdam. spent more time there than did in Berlin itself. Sanssouci park and its castles is just fantastic. infact, i just love all of berlin and the brandenburg bundesland. I love the way the german language is very logical. I'm british/french (live in two countries) and the reason why I went there the first time was because of easyjet sale. Long live the low cost airlines! The people are great too, friendly and helpful but not loud and annoying like americans.

  2. When I lived in Trier (near Luxembourg but still in Germany), I was quite drunk on Mosel Riesling, and fell face down in the Mosel.

    My two front teeth broke off, and it was a holiday/religious weekend. I had to go around for the weekend looking like I was from a trailor park. I refused to talk to anyone, eat or drink.

    But on Monday I managed to see a dentist and got them both fixed quite nicely. German dentistry is great! It was an awful experience at the time, but it's a great story to tell now.

  3. I really fell in love with Germany when i went a few years ago. The moutains, the free space, the people, the cars..i really wanted to stick a smart car in my suitcase and bring it home...everything was wonderful. I didnt have one bad experience...other then the issues with airlines (all delayed and plane back to US was cancelled). Ruhpolding was my favorite city, its small and wonderful. The people were great...we stayed at Fritz and Sans a guesthouse and they were wonderful! They dont really speak english all that well except for one person...and the rest speak bavarian..which is similar to German so if you have some German language you will do fine.

  4. My husband and I spent several days in Berlin a while back and we had a ball. The best thing about Berlin was the art. The museums like the Pergamon were timeless and the art galleries were fantastic, edgy........ and the German art scene doesn't back away from controversy!

    We liked the Berliners too. Gutsy, tough and driven. We look forward to visiting Berlin again!

  5. I love Germany.  I was born there but had never been back until I was an adult.  I went when the school I worked for (I was the school nurse) took their German class there.    Since I  had been born there, they invited me along.  My oldest son was taking German so he also went.  I loved the castles, the Black Forest and particularly, Rothenburg...the tiny walled-in community.  I always tell everyone to be sure to visit Rothenburg.

    We also saw the concentration camps which was such an important part of history...may it never happen again.  I loved seeing my birth town, Nuremberg.  Part of the original city still stands and the rest is new so it was a real contrast to see the original along side of the more modern.

    I hope to go back again some day in the not too distant future..this time with my husband.  Oops...forgot, I am in the U.S.

  6. The greatest place to visit in Germany is the Rhein-Ruhr area. Because you can find historical buildings and cities, the time of industrialisation in form of so called "Zechen", new architecture in bigger cities and of course nature and countryside between all of the cities. That´s great!

  7. Oh gosh the castles were awesome. When I went there I went to a renaissance festival at one of the castles and I had so much fun. I loved the cobblestone streets, and the coffee was so strong god I loved the coffee, I went because I was stationed there. Im a citizen of the United States.

  8. I was the first time in Germany a year ago. While I learned there German, I traveled a lot. Was in Koln, Hanover, Munster, Bremen, Osnabruck, Bonn and of course Berlin. Since then Berlin is my favorite city. It's not like all Germany. Modern, the architecture differs from Bremen or Munster. My favorite place there is Sony Center on Potsdamer Platz. I think it's worth visiting. This a nice place to drink coffee, just to seat there and enjoy being in Berlin. I'm looking forward to my trip to Berlin again.

  9. I went to Berlin just last weekend for 3 days and the most interesting thing for me was the history. Not just the recent-ish history with the wall and the reunification and the war and the n***s, but the older history with the Weimar Republic and Kaiser Wilhelm II and even earlier.

    Oddly, I wouldn't have known any of that had it not been for a walking tour that I came across purely by chance. The name of the company was New Berlin Tours and they were fantastic.

    I'm from Australia and I went over with my sister and her husband during a 3-week trip to visit them in London where they live.

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