
What was the most irrefutable haunting that has been found by the TAPS ghosthunters?

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I have watched this show a few times, and it is quite entertaining, but I have never really seen them find any evidence that would indicate that a place was inhabited by spirits. But I know I have not seen all their shows.

So what was the biggest haunting that they have found, and what irrefutable evidence did they find that indicated that the place was haunted by ghosts?




  1. I have seen more than a few episodes and I have seen the more promising "evidence".  I have yet to see anything that is at all compelling.  The only way this so-called evidence could be compelling is if you really, really want it to be true.

    They say things like, "Look right here.  See that?"  Um, no I didn't and if there was anything there it wasn't much.  If there's anything at all it's hardly enough to make one jump to the conclusion that a place is haunted.  That's why ghost hunters like TAPS rely so much on anomalies.  They aren't trying to say, "Ghosts exist" because there is no evidence to support this assertion.  What they have to settle on saying is, "Wellllll, ghosts *could* exist." and then hope such suggestive language will push people in the right direction.

  2. There are quite a few,most have already been mentioned,

    there is this seasons Cache Inn it had nice little piece of evidence.

    But I have to say my favorite piece of evidence is the St. Augustine Lighthouse. I was recently there and tried to see if it were possible for some real person to make the shadows and movements they had caught. Unless you had superhuman speed and could fly there is no way possible for it to be done. There isn't even a way to make shadows appear looking down from up there.

  3. I don't know which episode it was, but it was the one where they go to an old prison and they captured footage of a dark figure running close to the camera. You can see the legs. It looked pretty convincing to me.

  4. Stanley Hotel season three: part 1

    Stanley Hotel season two: part 2

    Stanley Hotel is two for two for being haunted.

    Ledge lighthouse I believe was a good one... season two: part 1

    Northern State Hospital...

    Underground tunnels...

    ........... Season three: part two

    Bird Cage Theater... season three: part 1 was very good.

    There were enough to were they found evidence....I just wish they would experience the things that I do.

  5. Some of thier evidence has already been debunked, including lil critters example of the fleeing shadow. No evidence gathered by TAPS should be considered irrefutable. That said St. augustine light house was filled with alot of evidence in a small area.

  6. Lit'l Critter has got it exactly right.

    I saw that episode. They caught footage of someone appearing in front of a camera and running back, sorta, it's hard to explain. They first thought it was someone playing with them so they tried to re create it but they couldn't. I saw it, it didn't really come close.

    I don't think it's been debunked because nobody can explain or recreate it.

  7. the prison scene in which the camera sits idle and a shadow gets up and runs...  That made the hair on the back of neck go up, and then when they tried to recreate it to discredit, they couldn't even come close...


  8. My favorite episodes based on evidence gathered would have to be in no order......

    Myrtles Plantation

    St Augustine Lighthouse

    The original Stanley Hotel Investigation

    The private home of the guy named Alex

    Cashtown Inn episode

    There have been others that for one reason or another have been instructional but not haunted.  There are natural and reasonable explainations why things happen and why they could be considered paranormal to a concerned person.

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