
What was the most mischievous thing you did as a child?

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What was the most mischievous thing you did as a child?




  1. When i was 6 i stole a pocket knife from a flea market. =*( . i thought it was a toy and i couldnt help myself but of course i was read the riot act and i never stole again. btw my aunt found it in my pockt later that night when she was doing the wash.

  2. A lot of things

    i was pretty bad

  3. I stole a dog biscuit from a pet shop and fed it to my dog.

  4. "Make-Out Sessions" with 3 of my straight friends

  5. i put flour into four little plastic vials

    gave them to two of my class mates

    they got freaked out so much

    i got suspended for pranking

  6. Omg. I was so bad when I was little. I probably would have to say that I stole my cousin's Pokemon card. It was a really rare one and it had a rip on the side but somehow I covered it up by painting it and it looked brand new. So he couldn't say anything when it was gone and I magically had it the next day.

    And I threw an egg at this party that was playing there music way too loud at 4 in the morning. I don't regret THAT one at all, I admit.

  7. my brother pushed me off my treehouse so i took his car and drove it into the shallow retention pond next to my house.

    ....that was sooo worth it

  8. field trip( i was 8 or 9)

    i was mad at a boy who said i farted though i didn't f**t =)

    i struck his nose with a plastic bottle full of Gatorade and his skin like bursted and wounded, i was suspended for 2 days i think........

    my bro: when we where young was with me and he was eating some cheetos or tortillas and i asked him for it, i didn't know that he intentionally spat much saliva in it and i took the plastic from him and tossed it to my mouth and his liquids came pouring into my mouth

    answer mine

  9. Put gum in my brothers hair. It was the ONLY bad thing I've done to him. I had one chance to get him back for all the years of torture he has brought me. =)

  10. used my BB gun to shoot the hubcap off a (moving) PG&E van...

    the dude screeched to a stop, got out and chased my friend and me for about 3 blocks before giving up.  unfortunately (fortunately?) i dropped my d**n gun and the b*****d picked it up and kept it.


  11. I cheated on a spelling test in 1st grade.

    I felt bad and told the teacher.


  12. haha well my aunt babysat me and some other kids and i told this girl that if you got gum stuck in your hair peanut butter would take at out so she wanted to try it so we did and yea it dint work we have to cut her hair and i cut out a huge gap and ran away and the first thing i got in trouble for was running with the scissors lol  

  13. I must admit, and I swear it is true, I was not mischievous as a child.  I was a really good kid....I'm making up for it though ; )

  14. I broke my neighbors back windshield of her car with a slingshot when I was about 8...I never got caught.  

  15. *sigh* i stole twenty bucks from my mom when i was 8 and said i found them on the floor.

  16. oh geez. I used to "play doctor" with my female friends and give them shots in odd places. I know, I'm terrible. XP

  17. I took something out of those "kit"(those books with all the toys and  books in borders. It was like a necklace or something and I was a nervous wreck going through the door. My dad kept asking me if I was ok. Then once I got away with it. I did it everytime I went to Borders. Haven't been in like 6 years.

  18. There's so many things!

    one of them was breaking my front door window with a rock on purpose. I got mad because my mom wouldn't let me go out so i did this and i ran away. I was 10 i've learned to control my temper.

  19. i stole my friends toy car... lol he was looking for it like crazy! =)

  20. When i was about five i took one of my  pet goldfish out of the bowl stuck it in my pocket and then my mother took us to the park.Well the little fish of course died and i creid my little heart out i had killed it .My mother asked me why i had taken the fish and i told her i felt bad that it never got to leave its bowl,so i took it to the park.

  21. Cough a loogie into a condom and put it in my teacher's desk.

  22. Stole a racecar from Blockbuster.

    My mom had to take me back so I can put it back=[

    d**n 7 year old thinking.

  23. One thing that comes to mind is the time I took my sister's stuffed sock monkey and, with a pair of scissors, cut off it's arms, legs and tail & then placed it on her bed as if nothing were wrong. Then when she picked it up there was nothing but a head and torso. I can still hear the scream resonating in my head. lol

    And yes, I felt bad about it afterwards and offered her my own sock monkey to maim if she wished (like a sacrifice, I guess lol) but she wouldn't do it, and so then I felt worse.

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