
What was the most strongest earthquake that hit LA?

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No...not the one that just hit, the one that happened a long time ago in the 1990's. That last earthquake just now reminded me of it. And that one in the 90's was pretty strong and lasted for quite a while.




  1. omg the earthquake that just happened was scary! I was leaving LAX and wen I looked at the downtown skyline, it seemed as if the buildings were made of spaghetti

    im still shocked lol

  2. Northridge Earthquake


    TIME  January 17, 1994 / 4:30:55 am PST

    LOCATION  34° 12.80' N, 118° 32.22' W 20 miles west-northwest of Los Angeles 1 mile south-southwest of Northridge


    TYPE OF FAULTING  blind thrust - ANIMATION

    FAULTS INVOLVED  Northridge Thrust (also known as Pico Thrust) several other faults experienced minor rupture, rupture during large aftershocks, or triggered slip

    DEPTH   18.4 km

    At 4:30 am, on January 17, 1994, residents of the greater Los Angeles area were rudely awakened by the strong shaking of the Northridge earthquake. This was the first earthquake to strike directly under an urban area of the United States since the 1933 Long Beach earthquake.

    The earthquake occurred on a blind thrust fault, and produced the strongest ground motions ever instrumentally recorded in an urban setting in North America. Damage was wide-spread, sections of major freeways collapsed, parking structures and office buildings collapsed, and numerous apartment buildings suffered irreparable damage. Damage to wood-frame apartment houses was very widespread in the San Fernando Valley and Santa Monica areas, especially to structures with "soft" first floor or lower-level parking garages. The high accelerations, both vertical and horizontal, lifted structures off of their foundations and/or shifted walls laterally.

  3. There was one about 13-14 years ago, it was pretty d**n big... I was about 5 and I was in Chuck-E-Cheese's at the time with my little brother and family lol! We all hid under the table.

    And then with the Northridge one, I think this one was even larger, it was at night and my family and I ran out of the house and parked the car across the street and slept in the car with my dog and everything.

  4. Northridge in LA.

    My gave birth to me the day before...

  5. It was from Northridge i was in it. My mom was pregnet of me! i JUST FELT ONE RIGGHT NOW

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