
What was the most terrifying war in US. history? ?

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besides world war I and II

i would say it was vietnam




  1. Civil War. Most of the deaths were due to battlefield infections. More amputations than any other US war. There is nothing like lining up in a formation waiting for the slaughter to begin.

  2. I would say the Revolutionary War.  If we had lost it,  we would never have become a nation.

    Vietnam only worried people because of the draft.  We were not even on a war footing for it.  

  3. Civil War if you use number killed and destruction to the country.

  4. The Civil War was.

    It was the only war, with families fighting against family members.

    It was the only war, where the existence of the United States itself was in jeopardy.

  5. your an idiot, do some research on the civil war it was the most gruesome war to date

  6. It would have to be the American Civil War, the War between the States not only pitted brother against bother and against cousins, but also waged ruthless total warfare upon fellow citizens.  Families and children slain or merely uprooted, forced to flee as their home and cities burnt to the ground.  The American Revolutionary War runs a close second as it was in fact a very near thing; we didn't win quite as much as the British choose not to fight with a people who were in fact their cousins.    

  7. All of them. It's wrong to suggest one war is worse than any other as the soldiers are still dying just as horribly.

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