
What was the most unusual ticket you ever were issued while driving?

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I got one once for "Destroying Concrete" when I was using studded tires in a state that prohibited them and I did not know it. LOL




  1. for turning left out of a shopping mall at 3 am ,  there was a sign somewhere saying no left turn,  no one on the road but me,  and the cop i guess,   lol   not one other car,  not even while i got the ticket, seemed rather silly to me..

    good luck

  2. I got one for 5 dollars in the 1970's for "Wasting a national resource" (gasoline). This was on the long stretch of freeway through Montana where there was no speed limit during daylight hours. The ticket said 120+ mph. I was coming home on leave while in the service. The patrolman wanted me pay it on the spot. I argued that there must be racetracks in Montana that people waste a national resource on. He told me I could wait in jail and tell it to the judge on Monday. I gave him the 5 bucks. By the way my car, a 1970 Dodge Dart at the time ran over 400 HP and I had recently put a rearend out of a Hiway Patrol car in it and new tires. That car would go. Seattle to Minneapolis in 30 hours. Two of us driving. I still have the ticket, in a frame.

  3. Never had a ticket in 58 years!

    Never been pulled over!

    That is unusal in its self?

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