
What was the most you liked about the 80´s ?

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  1. Music, no doubt about it. 80's music has a cheerfulness that no other decade has had.

  2. This is easy, some GREAT musicals were started in the 80's... Cats, Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables to name a few.

    For Movies, The Gods must be crazy, Indiana Jones and episodes V and VI of Star Wars, classics!

    There are a lot of Musicians that still persist from the 80's (Madonna, U2 etc) but how about some of those classic 80's groups like Huey Lewis, Cyndi Lauper, Billy Idol, Duran Duran.  The 80's glamour bands like Poison, Motley Crew, that screetchy Rock and Roll like Guns n' Roses.  None of us can forget our famous lip sinkers, Milli Vanilli either who debued in 88 and were dead by 90, just so they could sneak into your category!  Anyways, 80's music goes on and on, so I'll leave it at this.

    That Hair... the bangs, the short longs, the rat tails, what a hideous time in the anals of hairstyles, lol!  The style's and combinations of fasion were no better, but it made for lively music videos, seeing as this was the decade where much music and MTV took off!

    Cars - Z28, need I say more?

    Ok lets get some 80's style into these cars, that z28 was the poor man's ride... how about the Testarossa or 911- turbo!

  3. I would have to say the music, a lot of great songs came out of the 80s. As far as I know that is when the big wave of break and pop dancers came through. Also beat boxing was introduced or at least it became popular in the 80s.

    my second fav would be the movies

  4. it got me out of the 70's!!  WHEW!

  5. That they ended.

  6. music....aka MC HAMMER PANTS!! can't touch this!

  7. I got married!!  Other than that, the pop culture sucked.

  8. I think what I liked most about the 80s was the music.  Much of my favorite music is still from albums & bands of the 80s.  I never got into the hair bands, but I still enjoy REM, U2, Duran Duran, even John Mellencamp, Cyndi Lauper, and Tears for Fears.  

    I like how so much of the music was really light hearted and just... fun.  It was still a time of making music which "has a good beat and you can dance to it."  Even the depressing stuff often was strangely dancable.  

    I do really enjoy a lot of movies from the 80s, but most of the ones I can think of right now had awesome soundtracks which helped make the movies better.

  9. Black Russians - yummm!!!

  10. the horrible fashion, and the good movies: 16 candles, breakfast club

  11. Only one answer to this one. The greatest thing to come out of the 80's was Michael Jackson doing the moonwalk.

  12. I love the classic 80's movies. They are so funny.

  13. Music, movies and the fashions!! LOL


  15. Video Games!! come on, PAC MAN is my total fave.

    They're fashion was wild but i think it would be totally fun!

    The music i must say also rocks my world!

    80's never dies!!

  16. I liked that I was a size 5-6

    I liked the music more too

    New Edition was my favorite group.

  17. I am a teen of the 80's, and I would have to say the MUSIC first, then the fashion. The movies were excellent too. How I miss the 80's.

  18. We weren't at war in Iraq.

    Oh and for the trivial, It still wasn't acceptable for a rock star to be a complete w***e for advertising money, unless he was Mick Jagger.

  19. ****************************************...



    Video Games.

    Saturday morning cartoons.


  20. Music.  And the funny hair lol.  And Karate kid along with eddie murphy

  21. Definitely the punk/new wave sounds.

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