
What was the motive for the killing of the 2 french students?

by  |  earlier

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I heard an arrest was made, other than that I don't know.




  1. We'll find out when they arrest the right suspect.

  2. Someone was arrested but was released without charge. I keep hearing reports that the motive was robbery, but I don't think the level of violence corresponds with a run of the mill robbery personally. You don't stab someone 200 times just to steal their belongings. I'd say it was more personal than that.

  3. They were French.

  4. proabaly some loony schizo,who thought two guys living together were g*y,and needed to be "cleansed"...pity we cant cleanse HIM...

  5. foreigners aren't exactly liked very much in this country

  6. He was released without charge

  7. There isn't always a motive that's what makes it so tragic.

  8. They don't know. A man was arrested and released, now they're looking for this guy.

  9. It looks a lot like over kill.Sort of jealous lover type thing.

  10. You won't know until the case is heard in court.

  11. The arrested has been released. It was an horrendous attack and driven by real anger?? What a sick country the uk is becoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. Who knows, but anyone that can do this must be a psychopath

  13. The murderer did it for the lol's.

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