
What was the name of the child involved in the adoption case in the early 2000's?

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I know her first name was Suzie. She was put up for adoption at birth by her mother who was an alcoholic. When she was four, her mom wanted her back because she was sober for a year and had a stable job working at a church. She was about to be adopted by a family with two kids. Her dad also wanted her back. In the end she went to the dad because he was the only living blood relative and the mom had signed legal docs saying she didnt want the baby. I have a school assignment and I wanted to do a follow up on how the whole story panned out.




  1. ***RHI I think that your link is about a different case....

  2. here is the link to the legal opinion on the case i hope this helps

  3. You know I think if we americans are going to adopt we need to keep it here in america, our country is has alot of american kids that need homes...............

    Why keep bringing the illegals here legaly

  4. I don't know maybe baby sam but I do beleive that the father ended up losing the child. Hey do a story on shawn mcdonald adoption. Story is father found out 2 days before birth because mother hid pregancy so she could give the baby to her new boyfriend's family out of state and she wouldn't lose some of her child support. Shawn has been fighting for almost 3 years now but has not lost his rights and has visistation but let's all pray that in the end he will have his son to raise.

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