
What was the name of the dressing applied when the carotid artery burst on Greys Anatomy?

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When the carotid artery burst they applied what looked like some kind of gauze, I was wondering what It was called.




  1. tourniquet?

    and Greys, whilst excellent isnt actually real... and sadly neither is House...

    and if i remember arteries carry blood UNDER pressure... aint no gauze going stop that... not even if superman is applying pressure...

  2. your readin too much into the detail of the programe, just enjoy the storylines.

  3. I don't know about grey's anatomy BUT I'm a paramedic and you would put an occlusive dressing on this type of wound to keep air from being sucked in by the artery and forming an my answer would have to be an OCCLUSIVE DRESSING

  4. There is some gauze-like stuff that helps clotting ... but as the others said, it's  TVnot real medicine, so don't get hung up in the details.

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