
What was the name of the (english) Hoaxer Yachtsman again?

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HEY somebody help me out here. In the seventies I think it was, there was a famous case of a guy who - amid much publicity- set off on a daring "round the world" solo sail, breaking all records. The he was supposed to sail home to general adulation. But it was all a scam because they real ploy was, he was just going to sail around in circles for a while then turn up again where he started. But the newspapers got a hold of it and his story was blown. Fascinating escapade though- can anyone remember his name? And I wonder what his subsequent achievements were?




  1. Not sure if this is the man you were thinking of, or not.  In researching your question, I came across the tragic tale of Donald Crowhurst, a circumnavigating hoaxer.  This was in 1969.  He falsifed his location in his radio reports, and kept false logs, never actually leaving the mid-Atlantic.  He announced that he was returning home, and was never heard from again.

    Eventually his yacht, the Teignmouth Electron, was found adrift and abanoned.  His logs showed his deteriorating mental health, and it was believed that he committed suicide rather than face the shame of being caught out.  A very sad story.

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