
What was the name of the super nova that created our solar system?

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Our sun is supposedly a second generation sun. I wanted information on the super nova that created our solar system.




  1. It would have happened several billion years ago, long before anyone was around to observe or name it.  Also, our solar system is probably made from little bits of many different supernovas.

  2. Known as the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite, the primitive meteorite is a space relic that formed shortly after the solar system's creation.

  3. Nobody knows. It happened a long time ago (5 billion years or so) and the remains of the supernova are long gone, so it was never given a name.

  4. Our solar system was not formed by a super nova. Second generation, yes. Material from several other supernovae is incorporated in our system, but planetary systems are not formed by a supernova. They are formed by slow accretion.

  5. I found some of these answers intriguing,but there's one--oh dear! I think a change in medication is long overdue ha,ha

  6. There isn't one single supernova that created our solar system.

    The components of the solar system (all the atoms) heavier than Helium were created inside stars and then ejected into space - mostly by supernovae, but not exclusively. Evidence from meteorites (presolar grains) shows that some of the material from which the solar system formed came from stars more like the sun that went red giant instead of going supernova.

    However, there is evidence that a supernova was instrumental in causing the collapse of the gas cloud from which the solar system formed. This evidence is largely in the form of 26^Mg which came from 26^Al which is radioactive and short-lived.

    The supernova does not have a name - remember it had to happen before the solar system, so over 5 billion years ago. There isn't much left for us to call anything (although some of it is possible inside you!)

  7. In my library I was unable to find any books written at the time of the Big Bang, or at the time of the creation of our Solar System. People must have been to busy to write books back then...

  8.   Our solar system was probably created out of many, many small particles that were thrown into space by a lot of super-novas, not just one. Every time there a star throws off gas, space is littered with the makings of new stars and planets.

  9. Harold, but the Christmas carols got the spelling of his name wrong (Hark the Herald angels sing...).

  10. No one super nova created our solar system. The solar system is the result of a complex combination if forces, which probably includes contributions from more than one super nova that happened before the solar system formed. And we would have to way to know what super novas happened that long ago, much less have names for them.

  11. It was called George when it younger, but preferred to be called Gordo later in life.

  12. It happend millions to billions of years before there *were* names to be given.  The remnants of that star (and all the other stars that likely donated material for you, the Earth, the sun, etc), have long since traveled away from the place it was born, and we have no true way of knowing where it even was....

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