
What was the original culture and place of origin of man? Please submit references, no opinions.?

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What was the original culture and place of origin of man? Please submit references, no opinions.?




  1. (someone had to post it)

    From the Garden of Eden, most likely between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers

    God made them

  2. I'm guessing by "man" you mean Homo Sapiens.  

    The most widely accepted view among current anthropologists is that Homo sapiens originated in the African savanna.

    They were originally nomadic hunter-gatherers.

  3. Here is a link that explains the archaeological evidence for the Out-of-Africa hypothesis pretty well The article forgot to mention that at the Omo site the timing is still in dispute because it was found in the same soil layer as an earlier hominid so some suggest that the Homo sapiens find eroded from a higher soil level, and if this is true then it would be younger then they dated it to.  This article also forgot to mention a site from S. Africa, but again the S. African site does not have reliable dating either.  Electron spin resonance was used to estimate the timing for the S. African Homo sapiens and revealed a range from between 74,000 and 135,000.  Since both ends of this spectrum would yield very different conclusions of the find's importance it, like the Omo site from Ethiopia are a bit contentious.  More recently DNA evidence has even suggested that Homo sapiens DNA started closer to 150,000-200,000 years ago or earlier, but the general accepted time frame at this point is for an introduction somewhere between 125,000 and 150,000.  Here is a finding that suggests 160,000, but I'm not sure if it has passed through the peer review process yet and thus I can't tell you if this finding has been accepted into the timescale yet? Or possibly some empirical evidence has contested it?  I graduated prior to 2003, so this was new to me when I found it as well, but would support the DNA evidence that I have heard about.

    Now culture means "social learning" but when it comes to us humans it becomes a fuzzy term.  Truly we had culture right from when Homo sapiens initially evolved as nomadic hunter gathers with our abilities to control fire and manufacture stone tools.  Anyone that does not believe that this is culture should start walking around and try and find stones and manufacture tools with the stones that they choose that could even be comparable to the tools that our ancestors were manufacturing.  This was definitely a learned activity.  We inherited this culture from our predecessors, Homo heidelbergensis who in turn inherited that same skill set from Homo erectus, although the sophistication of the tools did change over time.  If you want to become creative with how we define culture then we could say that it requires artistic expression or more sophisticated burial practices, well there is a highly debated sculpture from Israel that dates back to... hmm I think it was at least 60,000 years old and then of course when Cro Magnon (a name for European Homo sapiens) entered Europe they began to do all the cave paintings.  Burial arose around the same time, even slightly earlier.  It keeps going from here, clothing came about around this time as well.  Dogs became man's best friend, and other animals began to be kept soon there after there was a skill set that had to be learned to keep these animals as well.  Around 7,000-10,000 agriculture sprouted up in various locations all around the globe.  The earliest of these sites attributed to the fertile cresent in present day Iraq between the Tigris and the Euphrates.  From this point on, no matter who's measuring stick is used, Homo sapiens are cultured, but I leave it up to you to choose your own phase for which pleases your idea of culture.  I for one buy into the idea that we evolved with culture, and that is the generally accepted idea throughout contemporary archaeology/anthropology.  Hope this helps!

  4. If you refer to sapiens then its Congo (first remnants were found there at least). As for the first culture, it is believed to be in Turkey, were the first city state have taken place.

    But they are stronger evidences everyday that points at China (Gansu plateau around the yellow river).

  5. Well it's obvious we were designed to 'have it made', as we all suffer so much now.  I'll go with either the Garden of Eden, or we're actually slaves, i.e.,  orignally well off inhabitants of another planet(or of this one, but enslaved by someone).

  6. Cultutr I don't know much about, but the origin I do. Man was beleived to originated in either east africa, or the fertile cresent (modern day Iraq area). I think The olderst human remains were found in east africa

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