
What was the point of the latest Bigfoot hoax?

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What was the point of the latest Bigfoot hoax? Three guys lied about having definitive proof of Bigfoot - including DNA evidence, everyone laughed at them, the "body" was sold for quick cash (couldn't have been much), the hoax was revealed and all of the guys were publicly humiliated as frauds. One of the guys, Matt Whitton, who was a police officer on medical leave is now being fired for perpetrating fraud and violating the duty of a police officer. I just don't see the motivation in this whole thing. I think it has to be more than just wanting attention because all the attention is so negative. And any money made is unsubstantial compared to losing your job and credibility as a decent, trustworthy individual.

What am I missing here?




  1. Advertising their website, I presume.

  2. i found myself wondering the same thing when i first read the article......these men were people who were trying to give credibility to the Bigfoot theory. they even said that everyone who has talked down to them would  eat their words, and yet they let everyone poke and prod and and test there gorilla suit and dna. i mean, they didnt even try! i dont get it at all....

  3. i was pised wen i found out it it was a hoax so guys that did that if ur reading this rote in h**l i suported and defened you and rideculed for it and no i cant face it for once in a blue moon im wrong god i hate u 3 guyz

  4. all for the money.

  5. A huge amount of Jose Cuervo, I suspect.....   Plus, a unmanly amount of giggling.  

    They knew they would be caught -- it's just their 15 minutes of "fame".  And, why not poke the eye of these supposed news networks who showed up to cover this "Story".  You would have never caught Walter Cronkite or John Chancellor covering such stupidity.  They just didn't realize there might be unforeseen consequences.

  6. They are all stupid, and wanted to make money. I found the first couple videos they made that claimed they had found a bigfoot body. It was all like "we found a bigfoot corpse, and next time, we're going to catch one live! you can help! just give us 500 dollars and we'll take you on the excursion with us! our team is for real" and **** like that. it was all bullshit so they could make money; they probably didn't even think that it could go wrong and bite them in the ***.

  7. You forgot to consider the most important factor:  All 3 are dumb asses.

  8. I SECOND this question and hope we uncover what has to be one of the most entertaining (wtf's) for me in a long time!

    Take these guys, consider their ages, considering the fact that they (claim) to have families. The whole cop/integrity-getting fired thing, the OBVIOUS fact that the CON was destined to end..  I mean, I'd almost feel like it made more sense if they had dead animal guts and skin and did a "Buffalo Bill" job on the face with animal skins or something... then at least it was a weak attempt at a success.. but this? Those dudes might be from the wider open plains, yes, even a bit bored, but they weren't exactly half wit "Hoe-dad's".. They sold the event very genuinely, their acting skills alone showed me enough control and intelligence that I am pretty damned LOST in detecting the WHY'S and MOTIVATIONS to bother with such a lame hoax that the "Jackass" crew could have done as a short video sketch, making MORE news and even placing the hoax in an overall more embraced place in history, where these dudes may be up for legal charges, as well as ending up hated and targeted and only being remembered in "STUPID" history.. so I ask again,

    why... why.. why? Where's the benefit in working that hard for the joke with no "ha ha's" to enjoy?  

  9. Something different to do, probably not alot going on in north Georgia.

  10. My grandfather (who could be a creepy old dude) once told me that things like Big Foot sightings were usually reported to draw the attention of folks away from something else.  Being a kid (who watched a lot of s****. Doo) I of course let my imagination run wild, but now looking back he probably meant something like illegal stills and such.

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