
What was the political structure of the Hittites?

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What was the political structure of the Hittites?




  1. are those the ones who based thier community on iron making and eventually invaded neighboring communtites?? i could be totally wrong.. umm && political structure.. it was the basic triangle id think  

  2. While Mesopotamia and Egypt were flowering city-states were flourishing elsewhere, particularly in the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, and Israel).  Flourishing states such as Ebla (Tell Mardikh) and Ugarit (Ras Shamra) flourished in the second millennium B.C. Ugarit was a thriving Mediterranean port of Syria around 1400-1200 B.C.  The most influential legacy of Ugaritic culture was the creation of the world’s oldest alphabet.  Ugaritic scribes in the fourteenth century B.C. invented thirty cuneiform signs as an alphabet for their Semitic language.  

    It was a true alphabet in that each sign stood for one and only one sound.  It was the source for modern English. Hittites improved the language that led to the Indo-European language.  Indo-European language originated between 4500-2500 B.C. in southern Russia.  Hittite history is divided into the Old Kingdom ( ca. 1650-1450 B.C.), marked by the conquest and consolidation of Anatolia; the Middle Kingdom (ca. 1450-1380 B.C.), a period of retrenchment and loss of territory; the New Kingdom (ca 1380-1180 B.C.), characterized by intervention in international politics and then collapse; and finally a Neo-Hittite ear (1180-700 B.C.) of small successor states.  The Hittite empire reached its zenith in the New Kingdom, when it extended into Syria and northern Mesopotamia.  The Old Kingdom was a warrior society.  The monarch was neither god nor god’s representative but rather first among equals.  Puduhepa, wife of King Hattusilis III (r 1278-1250 B.C.), played a memorable role in state affairs.  Evidence suggests that Puduhepa was the prime mover in an important religious movement, whereby the Hurrian sung-goddess of Arinna (a shrine near the capital) became the chief deity of the Hittite state.  Ã¢Â€ÂœQueen of the Land Hatti, Queen of Heaven and Earth, mistress of the kings and queens of the Land of Hatti, directing the government of the King and Queen of Hatti.”  An international system is a group of relatively stable interactions between competing international powers.  This emerged in Asia and northeast Africa between 1500-1150 B.C. Pharaohs in New Kingdom Egypt, for instance pursued a forward defense policy, sending diplomats and, at times, large mobile armies into the Levant.  War consisted of skirmishes marked by an occasional dramatic battle, such as at Kadesh in 1274 B.C., where twenty thousand Egyptian troops classed with seven thousand Hittites.  The two powers agreed to share control of Syria-Palestine.  The international system of the late second millennium B.C. came to a crashing end between about 1250 and 1150 B.C., as one state after another collapsed: Mesopotamia, Greece, Anatolia (ruled by Hittites), and Egypt .

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