
What was the previous best explanation for the beggining of the universe to the big bang theory?

by Guest58941  |  earlier

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What was the previous best explanation for the beggining of the universe to the big bang theory?




  1. it was called the steady state theory. basically it said that the universe was infinitely large and had existed for an infinite amount of time as is, without any major changes (like galaxies moving away and all that).

    the problem with that is, if there are an infinite amount of stars in every direction, and there has been an infinite amount of time for their light to reach earth, why isnt the night sky just as bright as the day sky? the light from an infinite amount of stars should be shining down on earth. obviously, the night sky is pretty dark, so that was a major set back for the steady state theory. it finally pretty much died when hubble discovered that most galaxies were receding from us.

  2. Before Big Bang theory, what was most commonly accepted was called the "Steady State theory," which basically claimed that the universe is a non-dynamic, closed system that had been here for an indetermine period of time.


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