
What was the price of gas when Bush took office?

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What was the price of gas when Bush took office?




  1. Don't know for sure, but it was about $2.50 or so.

    Which, btw, has nothing to do with anything.

    The Dems have a majority in the Senate and the House and have done absolutely nothing to help bring the price down.

    In fact, Nancy Pelosi shut down the House and would not consider letting a vote go forward on offshore drilling.

    Also, btw, whatever happened to the Iraq war being about oil?

    And ask Russia about the price of oil, the main reason they invaded Georgia was to get control of the oil there and keep the price as high as possible.

  2. does not matter because Mr. Bush has had nothing to do with the high coast of oil! Deal with this, please!

  3. $1.40/gallon in Colorado

  4. Post hoc ergo propter hoc

  5. One half the rise realized when democraps took the majority.  

  6. It was around $2 or so and stayed that way till the Dems took over Congress in 2006  


  7. its not any politicians fault that the prices rose. it was inevitable. bush may have made it a lot worse, but it would have rose even if a democrat was in office. the problem is the publics demand for the oil. we need to lower demand by trying to drive less, car pooling, taking a bus, etc instead of trying to find more oil. alternative energy is also another issue that needs to be heavily looked into.

    the democratic congress also played a small factor by not wanting to drill, but they are forcing the issue of trying to find alternative ways of fueling cars or making cars that don't need oil.

  8. I don't know that, but I know in January 2002 the price of gasoline here in southern Arizona was 98 cents a gallon and it's $3.55 today.

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