
What was the real point of Silent Hill?

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I saw the movie last night and if I might add, it wasn't bad at all; horror movies are my niche. However, too many twists and turns were taken in the movie and I am confused as to what happened at the end. Did the mother and daughter die? And if so, when? There are so many possibilities; at the beginning when the accident occurred, or when the so-called "devil" came and killed that woman that tried to burn the little girl. Some explanations would be insightful. Thanks.




  1. Wow, not an easy question to answer. It is an extremely interesting film true, glad you appreciated it.

    Rose and her daughter didn't die, but they're not exactly alive in our sense either. As you probably noticed, the movie works on the basis that there are several planes of reality, even within the fantasy world of Silent Hill (the fog plane and the dark plane). Rose and Sharon have left "our" plane from the moment where the accident occured. But as director Christophe Gans stated, Silent Hill is a sort of transit place, a plane between the dead and the living. Rose and Sharon are trapped, they can never leave. Alessa (the demon), reunited with Sharon after the massacre in the church, and it's only thanks to her that Rose is able to get out of the Silent Hill town limits (but not the dimension).

    Wikipedia used to have some very interesting insight on all this, unfortunately, some douche deleted it. So, I suggest you read up some stuff at the IMDB FAQ here:

    I'm sorry my thought are pretty jumbled up, but I saw the movie some time ago. Hope I helped though.

  2. You know I cant answer your question but I can speculate with you lol. You know I thought that movie was great as well and I'm not really into horror movies. Also Silent Hill was a game and usually when they make games into movies its terrible i. e. Mario Bros. But I want to say when they got into that accident, I think they did die but was in spirit form so therefore they "thought" they were alive but really dead. Notice during the movie when her husband was calling, looking for them. She heard him but he couldn't see or hear her. It was almost as if they were in parrarell dimensions. Also at the end when they walked in the house, they sat in the livingroom and left the door open while in his "dimension" the door was cracked open from them. So I only assumed they were ghost or spirits at the end so I want to say I guess they did really die in the accident at the end but was in the spirit world.

  3. The girl Alessa stepped in front of the car so that Rose and Sharon would enter the world of Silent Hill. Alessa was burnt badly by the cult because they thought she was a witch, but lived. She made a deal with the devil to get revenge. Once she was inside the church she killed everybody and got her revenge. But Alessa became part of Sharon and escaped Silent Hill. However, because Alessa is part of Sharon, it leaves Sharon and Rose stuck in the foggy world. They continue to live in the foggy world their fate unknown. However, they are most likely supposed to remain alive as Silent Hill 2 is going to be made.

  4. Silent Hill is a series of video games, not a singular one, and the series is still alive using Playstation as it's main platform. I have played all but the most recent one and am a devoted fan.

    If you want to delve into what happened in the movie adaptation, I recommend researching the games. Wikipedia has extensive articles about the games and links to sites about the Silent Hill universe.

    Basically you need to keep in mind that not all things are clear cut, and that this is the joy of some pieces of art. Sometimes there is no way to know just what happened. It is left to the viewer, reader, etc. to interpret. So giving you an explanation would ruin part of the fun. It's for you to decide. The sources I indicated will help you.

  5. I believe they died and entered silent hill in the beginning. I would forget your knowledge of western religions here and go with a more eastern one.

    "...In speaking about the creatures in Silent Hill these monsters are damned, with the poetic direction of the term: they are a little like the Japanese phantoms, i.e. residues of forgotten feelings as strong as hatred or guilt.The monsters in the game/movie are not really monsters, but rather a mockery of human beings. The real monsters are the people, the cultists who tortured Alessa..."

    "...the base idea was that this is not a haunted house, it's a haunted town, y'know, separate from our reality, but it also exists within our reality. So you effectively become a ghost during your time there. And it's a very terrifying emotion, that you are a ghost of yourself...."

    the mother and daughter are in separate worlds from the husband at the end. which is very mellow dramatic needless to say I am still waiting for a sequal

  6. Don't worry, you're not the only person who was confused - lol. I've answered this question many times, so here's my take on it...

    Contrary to popular belief, Rose and "Sharon" are not dead. Rose and her husband can't see each other because they're still in Alessa's alternate dimension, while Chris is in the real world. Here's the deal...

    There are three parts of Alessa:

    - Alessa (the burned girl/woman in the oxygen tent)

    - Sharon (Alessa's good side)

    - Dark Alessa (Alessa's evil side)

    Sharon and Dark Alessa are basically manifestations of the two sides of Alessa - the good side and the evil side. As for how Alessa created these manifestations and the alternate dimensions, it can only be assumed that she possessed some kind of supernatural power (as evidenced by the wilted flowers in her hospital room and her hurting the nurse). This, in addition to the fact that she had no father, would obviously lead everyone associated with the cult to call her a witch. That being the case, this is what happened:

    1) Dark Alessa does not, in fact, take over or possess Sharon at the church near the end. Dark Alessa (the evil side) simply recombines with Sharon (the good side), creating a new and complete "reincarnation" of Alessa.

    2) Alessa's "pact" with her evil counterpart that we saw in the flashback not only ensures that she will help her exact her revenge, but that Alessa, after making herself "whole" again, will also have a second chance at life with a new (and surely in her eyes, better) mother: Rose.

    3) And as for the ending:

    Alessa's plan works - she gets her much deserved revenge on the cultists, Dark Alessa and Sharon recombine and create a newly "reborn" Alessa, and she ends up with Rose (who either isn't aware or just doesn't care that this little girl isn't "her Sharon" anymore) as her new mother. Now with Sharon's memories of the outside world to work with after reuniting her two halves, Alessa can extend her alternate dimension and create a world just like the one Sharon and Rose lived in, where they can stay forever. In other words, Alessa doesn't want them to leave her alternate dimension and in her eyes, for good reason. The real world is where Alessa was hurt, abused and humiliated. In the real world, she felt unsafe, unloved and that the people are untrustworthy (especially men, considering that the absence of her father was the source of her torment, in addition to her horrific experience with the school janitor). Alessa wants to live out the rest of her new life with her new loving mommy in her alternate dimension, where she's in control and she feels safe. Unfortunately for Rose, this end result means that she is essentially trapped in Alessa's alternate dimension indefinitely.

    Hope this helps. :)

  7. they did NOT die.

    anyone who uses wikipedia as their source after saying that they did die is wrong AND contradicting themselves.  wikipedia does NOT say that.  it clearly states "She (Rose) reaches the town, but is knocked unconscious in a car crash, and awakens to find Sharon is missing."  they are knocked out NOT killed!  playing the games really does help one make more sense of the movie.  you see in the games that the characters do NOT die to get to the foggy, scary side of Silent Hill, they are transported there through portals, alive and well.

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