
What was the real reason for the death of Bruce Lee ?

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What was the real reason for the death of Bruce Lee ?




  1. i beilive he was at a friends house and he had a headache or something so they gave him a perscription pill and i think he got tired and layed down and just never got up, i beilve he fell into acoma and his brain swelled up. i think it was from an allergic reaction to the percription pill.

  2. Bruce lees real death was by a stroke. I cant explain what happened but thats all I know.

  3. The official reason was given that he died from a cerebral edema swelling of the brain due to a chemical reaction from a headache tablet.

    But personally I think he just burned himself out by over training as he had virtually no body fat which is not healthy and would reduce the body's immune system to all manner of symtoms, moderation is the key to everything but he was such a perfectionist and that was his nature sadly.

    Only my humble opinion Best wishes :)***


    Stars burn brightest just before they burn out.

    Pills or whatever, it doesn't matter. Desire for fame and fortune is what really killed him.

  5. 7/20/73, Bruce Lee had been talking with Raymond Chow and was at the flat of Betty Ting Pei. They used marijuana, and he complained of a headache. She gave him Equagesic that has pain reliever and tranquilizer. He went to lie down on her bed. When Chow returned, Bruce could not be awakened. He was DOA at the hospital. His autopsy showed his brain was swollen badly and had burst some major blood vessels. The theory was that he had an allergic reaction to the drug combination he had taken. His own personal doctor said Bruce was prone to seizures and probably had one and died before anyone knew it or could properly treat it.

  6. as for my knowledge is concerned he was given poison in some food or some liquids and his close persons might also responsible but attack of seizures and a cerebral edema is told by investigating doctors

  7. He died from cerebral edema swelling of the brain, from a pill to stop a headache.  

  8. Chuck Norris slipped Bruce Lee the pill that gave him the cerebral edema, because Bruce was the one man that Chuck couldn't beat in a fight.

  9. Chuck Norris

  10. He died from cerebral edema swelling of the brain

    some say it is to stop a heaache that he took a pill and that was the reaction others say he was killed by ninjas others say the chinese did him in for teaching wushu to the west he also got kicked in the head real hard the day be4 so that might do it up but he took opium and had like no fat so irf any off these happened there is a chance his body could do nothing about it so it was done and there is a theory that he isnt deadish but...... that is questionable

  11. He was murdered.  At the autopsy they found majijuana in his stomach.  He got too close to the Triads.  His ego got the best of him, became cocky, and got gonked off the head while high.  Even monkeys fall out of trees.  Only dopes do dope.

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