
What was the reason why you last cried?

by  |  earlier

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**best friend left for college- what about you?

POll: my bed or the floor? j/k. -a cheater or a liar? choose...




  1. Horrible abdominal pain.

  2. i saw your face

  3. When my boyfriend said something to me that hurt.

  4. I just cried a few minutes ago because I'm so upset I started high school without any of my friends and I could barely speak - I'm SO freakin' nervous around people!!! Ugh, I might as well be called the mayor of Lonersville from now on.

    POll: liar

  5. my last reason i cried ... i know this will sound stupid but here goes i dream about this huge tidal wave alot and i never understood it cos i always woke up 1 nite i managed to stay asleep and in this tower thing we took cover in me and all my friends and relatives and it was destroyed with a force we went under and this is why i cried this next bit ...

    in the dream i slowly watched them all drowned before finally drownding myself .... i woke up and was in tears because it felt to real  

  6. One of my dogs is gone and I'm bummed about it.  I wouldn't want a cheater or a liar.

  7. I permanently straightened my hair last week and I didn't like it so every time I looked in the mirror I cried... I know lame but I miss my old hair.

    The Floor


  8. I was on the trampoline and my ipod fell out of my pocket on my flip and whiped me in the head....idk it hurt a lil....

    floor you cant fall off the floor...but u can fall off the bed

    same thing...

  9. haha wow a few hours ago my schedule for college was so fed up and I had so many mistakes on it and I just sat on my floor on my laptop and cried hahaa. but then everything worked out and I felt like an idiot for crying like that.

  10. last weekend. a fight with my boyfriend.

    a cheeter and a liar both suck. but if the lie is not about another girl. then id rather be lied too. i wod be really crushed if i was cheated on.

  11. i dont remember its hard to keep crying but i do it often inside but i learned to not care so i dont do it just live by knowing who i am and not what others think of me

    jumping up and down on the bed ... no ummm i know j/k

    well a cheater is  a liar so then if i pick liar i dont get cheater but ill just pick both because the liar could be lieing about cheating but the cheater is also a liar and now im confused.... are you confused?

  12. Don't laugh, but I had to hold my daughter down to get a shot.  She cried, I cried!!  :@)

  13. umm i cried cuz i felt like i couldn't help my bff when she needed me, we were both crying, i guess me crying didnt make things better but i cry when i see people crying and i cant help them

  14. When I found out that one of my friends hung himself.

  15. My friend left for college too,

    Well loved him =[


  16. I stubed my pinky toe after having a horriable day at work! It was the last straw! I just sat down on the floor and sobed!

    POLL: Floor, although I would prefer the wall! Cheater!

  17. Because I had to go back to school. Ha! Ha! Poll answers: Neither. They're both the wrong kind of people.

  18. I was watching a video on youtube "He still loves me" A video about God's love. I cried because I realized that God still loves me no matter how many times I've messed up (no one expected this kind of answer huh?)

  19. I teared up during a couple of commercials today. I've been so hormonal lately =(

  20. dog died

  21. It was about my ex-girfriend and our breakup =(


  22. i went to europe for 5 weeks for vacation to visit my family. and when my vacation ended... i was at the airport leaving my family . they were all crying . and i couldnt help it . it was the first time in my life i met them but those 5 weeks that i was with them, i had fallen in love with them.. = [

    and for your poll:  YOUR bed hahaha

    ii hope i didnt just say that to a straight person   = X

    cuz id feel like an ***   sorry sweetheart

    hmm cheater or a liar?? my mom was both

    but a liar is just worse  

  23. Kind of stupid, but I found out that I have 10 cavities and need a crown too - $2300 to fix it and we have horrible insurance.  So I felt bad, but I thought I had it together when I got back, but my mom was like, "What's wrong?" and I just fell to pieces.

    Cheater or liar...  That's tough.  If by cheater you mean on tests, then I'd take that.  Otherwise I don't know if I could pick - they're both in the dishonest category which I loathe.

  24. breakup.

    the wall!


  25. felt lonely and forgotten

  26. I don't keep track anymore... but I'm sure I didn't have a good reason.

  27. cried because of romantic movie (last night with ma hun)

    bed if tied; floor if free and tired; table if free and frisky


  28. I found out my boyfriend was a pedophile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. severe depression caused by many things

    depends on my mood

    neither, i need to be able to trust the person i am with so i would not be with either a cheater or a liar

  30. Hormones.

  31. about an hour ago watching skins. haha. it was emotional. the story about chris' brother at cubs. films with sad bits make me cry a lot more than real life! my life aint been as dramamtic.

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