
What was the reason your family started Homeschooling?

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the reason my family started homeschooling was that the private school I was going to was going to hold me back a year because of the first half of the school year I couldn't see (needed glasses, and didn't have any yet) and I was failing from it. and that the price of the school was going up. and we were not ganna go into the public schools.




  1. Our eyes where open to the lacking public school system soon after my daughter went to 6th grade. In a nutshell, my child had come from a very disciplined private school and was having a hard time with the fact that none of the kids at her new school would even listen to the teacher. The final straw was when she was "propositioned" (to put it nicely) by a boy in her class who had been held back a couple of times. The solution that the principal thought was appropriate (after I threatened to call the cops due to NO returned phone calls) was to bring my child AND the boy into the same room and ask them together what happened. I pulled her out the next day.

    I looked into home school and did a lot of research finding that kids who do this work at their own pace, follow there interests and usually end up with better test scores. We have found all that to be true and have benefited in having a closer family, happier kids who have great friends and many interests.

  2. My mom started homeschooling because:

    1 .One of my older brothers got burned under the eye with a cigarette in 8th grade. The bullies said that they were going to burn off some  fat for him. The school board would do nothing about it.

    2. That same brother got a record contract (after going to Gibbs in Tampa and then returning to his reg. high school because of the bus ride) to go to Cal. for 6weeks and the school board was going to fail him in 10th grade. He "dropped out" and got his GED a month later.

    3. I have three (out of four) older brothers with learning problems.

    4. We tried a private school and we actually went backward in our education.

    There are even more reasons but it would take too long to list them all. I have been homeschooled all of my life except for one month. My mother has been teaching homeschooling for over 15 years.

    Thanks for reading!

  3. Lots of people at church homeschooled.  My family members had homeschooling children.  My child was harassed at school. It was just a natural progression for us. My kids are grown now.  The greatest thing I could hope for is that they homeschool their children.

  4. I'm not being homeschooled but my cousin is. She is being homeschooled because she was being bullied and also because she was skiving school because of it. The only reason they bullied her was because she wore glasses and they called her "4 eyes". Stupid bullies! Now my cousin is potentially scarred for life and she refuses to go back to any school ever again!

    Hope you find this interesting...x

  5. My friend started homeschooling her son because he has ADHD, was bored out of his mind, and was always in trouble. He is now able to learn at a faster pace, which keeps him interested and out of trouble. My friend is going to have her son's IQ determined because he is so far advanced in his studies. If he were still in public schools they would still be insisting that he be medicated and suspending him. The "No Child Left Behind" act prevented his school from advancing him.

  6. We decided over 25 years ago that we would home-school as a family.

    The reasons were many:  

    1.  Poor academic value in the local public schools (known first-hand as a student)

    2.  Horrible social structure within the public system.

    3.  The teachers in the system were not all very good role-models due to a high level of divorce.  

    4.  The gov't mandates to teach programs (instead of the basic elements of academics) was getting in the way of the good teachers.

    5.  Peer pressure from other students is too much for many children to handle without being harmed.  The damage done by just one test of drugs, s*x, or alcohol is often irreversible.

    There are so many other reasons that we chose to home-school.  The most important was that we wanted to keep our family intact and we wanted to offer our children the opportunity to learn to the best of each one's ability without being bombarded by the things that are falsely called knowledge.

    But... with all of that said.... the reason we continue to home-school has changed.  Those things are still a part of the big picture.  

    The truth of the matter in a nutshell is this:

    Even if everything was GOOD in the public schools and in the private group schools -- everything being top-notch academics and wonderful social values, etc. etc... even IF those things were in place -- we would still choose to homeschool.   The reason now is because home-schooling works.  It works very well.  We have gained many wonderful benefits from being together as a family through all of the learning processes.   For me and my house -- the proof is in the results.  Home-schooling is great!  

    We've raised 4 children from the cradle to college and the workplace -- I wouldn't trade any day of home-schooling for anything at all.

  7. The public schools weren't challenging me enough. Mom would askk me every day that typical question... "So what did you learn/do in school today?" and my reply would always be "Nothing..." One day I even brought my tape recorder (that I took notes with) home and let mom listen to the full length recording of my honors english and honors history classes and that was enough to put the idea of homeschooling in her head. When the vision department in the schools I attended started giving me lunch detentions for walking to class and to the bus alone, the idea started looking better. ( I'm blind, but my travel skills within a school building are as good as any sighted person's, I've always been allowed to walk to class alone, and I do have some sight and the ability to ask for directions if I get turned around. Not to mention I would have been late if I waited for the vision teachers to come and get me) They wouldn't let me attend dances or pep rallies alone and always tried to get involved in my personal life (wanting to know what dances or games I was going to, what clubs I was joining, etc, so they could send a "helper" there to pretty much babysit me. They dictated what clubs I could join (I spent three weeks in band camp training for marching band over the summer and payed for my instrument only to be told I couldn't join because it was "too dangerous". The band teacher had no say in this, and neither did I.) I also had to spend two full class periods sitting on my butt doing nothing because the Vision Skills class was mandetory for visually impaired students, but they couldn't find anything to teach me. (I know how to open my locker, use a tape recorder, take notes, start up and use a computer, etc). They did all of this garbage that didn't need doing, but it was still taking three months AT LEAST for them to get textbooks to me in an accessible fformat, provide me with a working video magnifier, or enlarge tests and worksheets. But what really drove the idea home for mom (and me) was when I started getting sick a bit more often than usual and spending the entire sick day home from school reading, conducting science experiments, doing projects that were not at all school related or assigned to me by any teacher, but that I just wanted to do, and generally learning more than I did while in attendance at school.

  8. I don't know if my mom took me out of private school because i cost too much or because she felt like i wasn't trying when I got a C in literature. Any ways the public schools around here are terrible so that is why i'm homeschooled

  9. Simply put I think schools don't provide an acceptable education or a happy childhood and I want my child to have both. I want her to learn to think for herself and be able to follow her interests, to learn her social skills from people who have have ones suited to the adult world not to be institutionalized.

  10. We started homeschooling because the American Dream of both parents working just to have more money to have more stuff, just wasn't what we had pictured for our life. I want to truly be there for/with my children.

    The education public schools offer is watered down, every one of them. Facts have been slowly taken out of textbooks. They give a broad spectrum of basic knowledge and I prefer my children to have a deeper knowledge of things. How many kids go to college and have no idea what they want to be? They were never allowed to go deeper into something that really intrigued them and have forgotten what they desire!

    We are also Christian and faith is not allowed at school, so my children aren't either. Why spend our life teaching them to love others, love God but you can't do this while you are at school-for most of the day. That is confusing to children.

    Peer pressure to do stupid things just to fit in, kids that make it out of school without an education(here about the teacher who learned how to read after he retired from teaching?), kids that are marked a behavioral or medical problem and required to be medicated, parents relenquish most of their rights to school officials, and the list goes on and on and on.

    We decided it was time to take our responsibility and truly raise the children we have and not allow it to be someone else's job!!!

    Homeschool is a wonderful opportunity, take my advice and appreciate what you have and learn everything you can! Think of what really spraks you rinterest and take off with it, the sky is the limit!!! Congrats and good luck!!

  11. I am an experienced mother.  I have already put 3 boys through the public school system and had them come out the other end practically illiterate and emotionally scarred.

         When I started my second family my greatest terror was that I was going to have to go through that experience again.  We started out  kindergarten and year one  in public school and private Christian school.  No difference, if any the Christian school was worse.

          I realized that for my children to succeed in the regular school I would have to teach them myself at home and only send them to school for the busy work.   And I realized quite quickly that all of the school bullies are not the students.  The worst bullies can be the teachers.   Speaking with other parents confirmed all of my doubts about ps academics.

          Because I am old and tired and had done it all before with disastrous results I made the decision to homeschool.  The bottom line is, is that I could never give them a worse education than the public school.  And my adult sons are my biggest cheerleaders.     I think many of us parents are intimidated by the school system (I know I sure was the first time around) and are not aware of the options available .   It takes a lot of courage to take your child's education into your own hands.

  12. Our son was not learning.

    He is now.

  13. Our child attended two schools before we began homeschooling.

    The first school had an abusive teacher who made our child suicidal at the age of eight.

    The second school had lovely teachers and a violent kid.

    When that kid tried to murder our child, we removed her and began homeschooling in the middle of fourth grade.

    All this in one of the top school districts in the country.

  14. What's wrong with public schools? I go to a great one. 99% of our students not only go to college, they graduate from it.

    Anywho, the reason my aunt decided to home school my cousin was because he refused to turn in his homework, basically. She knew he was doing it, because she made him, and he's a smart kid. On the homework he had turned in, he had an average grade of an A.  But he wouldn't turn in the other half. So she wanted to home school him for his 8th grade year so that he'd be prepared for when his grades really started to count in high school. So now, he's finishing up his 9th grade year, and the last time I talked to him, at the end of 1st semester, he was a straight A student.

  15. As I look back over my life and what my opinions have always been, I can see that homeschooling my children is what the Lord intended for me to do.  The thing that stands out most in my life is how from the time I was about 12 I would always feel so badly for the little first graders as they started school.  They were just so young to have to be away from home for so many hours.  That seemed cruel to me, better little ones were able to be home with mama for a few more years.  When my oldest boy was 3 or 4 I heard about homeschooling and was excited that it was allowed.  I had always thought we were made to turn our children over when they turned 6.  At that time I begin researching homeschooling and praying about it.  My husband was completely against it at first.  I knew it wasn't God's will we have differing opinions about something so important so I prayed He would show both of us what His will is.  The more I prayed this, the more convinced I became and the more my husband began to change his opinion.  Just before our boy turned 5, my husband made the decision that we would homeschool him.

  16. My mom decide to home school us because

    1: She didn't like public schools

    2: Private school was kinda expensive for 4 kids (there is 6 kids in my family 2 are to little to go to school

    3: belief reasons (Christean)

  17. The main reason that I started homeschooling was my daughter was having a hard time in public school. The teachers did not make sure she was compleating her work so she was just hanging out at school all day. The final straw was in first grade, when she broke three fingers in a riding accident. It was her right hand, and she stuggled to write anything with it being broken. The school excused her from all of her work. I asked things to be sent home so I could help her compleate her worksheets, because the teacher did not have time to help her in class, but they would not. When I complained, the school said that the worksheets were not important, so it did not matter if she did them or not. So I took her out of school while her hand healed. She did very well at home, so we just never sent her back. When our other child was born, we just agreed to homeschool her from the start.

    No that we are homeschooling, we have time to travel. We have a camper and travel most of the year. The kids love it. What better way to learn history, than to travel to all the historical places around the US. We have gone to Washington DC, the Alamo, Pymouth, Mass, just to name a few. Homeschooling opened up so many oppertunities that we would not have with the kids in ps all day.

  18. i didn't like the school

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