
What was the secret of Liverpool F.C's success in the 70s and 80s ?

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What made them so dominant domestically and abroad ? Was it the perfect blend of players or the right/best managers of that era/time ? Or was it the attitude overall, of the players, coaching staff and fans ? Perhaps a city as historical as Liverpool, given its geographical importance in England had something to do with it ? I dont know but would love to hear from soccer fans and Liverpool FC fans about this.

They use to say the noise coming from the old Kop end would 'suck' the ball in, sounds far fetched but wow if thats true lol.




  1. accurate passing and one touch football

  2. you were right the first time round,  It was just that. The right balance, shape and blend of talent of experience and youth.  What you had back in those days with the Reds was arguably the finest passing side of English football.

    The way they passed the ball around the third quarter of the field without going into 3rd gear was characteristic of the confidence and , the word you used 'dominance' on the field.  The best managers of that time/era was a major factor in all of this too, without whom some of the greats to wear the red jersey would never have even played at Pool.

    I think the turning point and consequently the sudden end to their dominance in the game was largely due to Kenny Dalgish's abrupt end in reign, his resignation was a big blow at the club and one of the reasons why we conceded the title to Arsenal in 90/91.

  3. paying the refs

  4. A good team and a good manager , two things that they are severely lackig at the moment.

  5. liverpools success was down to continuity each successive manager came from within the club and knew exactly how things were done so the style of play stayed the same .players coming in had to be able to play that way or they didnt make it every summer they made one big signing and the thing just rolled on which is exactly how utd are now not in style of play but with sir alex keeping things on an even keel one big signing to just give things a boost and away you go  

  6. ya i dont no

  7. theres actually a theory out that attributes their success to that of the beatles. peculiar indeed, but the mastermind behind this theory lays out quite a many rather convincing arguments i must say. look into it

  8. Putting the ball in the oppositions net more times than the opposition put the ball in the Liverpool net..thus winning more games

  9. the back pass rule. Keepers could pick up passes - Hansen, Lawrenson, Gillespie etc. were brilliant at holding a high line and having the pace to outrun forwards, knock it back to the keeper who could then pick it up - they then push up to halfway and the process went on. Once they got in front they were masters at killing the game.

    As an attacking force I think the key was creating space in the penalty area. They had midfielders (McDermott, Whelan) who linked cleverly with forwards, but only ever arrived into the box at pace so they were impossible to mark - if the ball didnt arrive in, they would drift back out, unlike modern players who then stay in the box and limit space

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