
What was the smallest funeral you ever attended?

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I grew up next to a house shared by Frank, Mary, and Cecelia -- a brother and his two sisters. When they were all in their 70s, Frank passed away. I was in high school at the time.

The only people at the funeral were the sisters, my Dad, my brother, and me. It made me really sad that no one else came.

Have you had a similar experience?




  1. When my uncle passed away if it was not for the family on the day of his funeral, there would have been only a few people . He was a very controversial person, and was always fussing about something barely having anything good to say about anything Always accentuating the negative, never the postive. At the funeral home the family section had about 30 people while the friends section had 'maybe' 5 people.

  2. Yes. My own childrens funeral, but we only wanted a small amount of people

  3. Yes, my dog's funeral a few years ago.  There were me, my husband, our  daughter and one friend. She (the dog) was truly loved nevertheless.


  4. I went to a funeral for the daughter of a woman I worked with.  My co-worker is in her 70's so this daughter who died was about 50 with children and grandchildren.  Altogether there were maybe 15 people at the funeral home for the service.  It was sad that she had so few mourners.  You could tell that the preacher who did the service had never met the woman.  Even her family members who attended the funeral seemed irritated to be there.  I had never met the daughter but knew she was estranged from her mother.  Very uncomfortable funeral and very sad.  

  5. Thankfully I haven't, though I do worry that my own father's funeral will be  a similar situation (he doesn't like most people outside of his immediate and extended family, and even we are starting to appear hostile to him). I'd imagine that kind of experience would be sad and humbling. :(

  6. I was once asked if I would attend a funeral by a street friend who had a Mother that died - there was three of us and I thought the preacher had a very S****y attitude at the time - wasn't sure he would even say a prayer, the whole thing was very very sad.

  7. About twenty five or thirty people attended one of my buddies, father's funeral who was a very  old and reclusive man.The funeral was held at the cemetary where he was immediately intered  at his own request.

  8. About 10.

    The mailman and friends from the neighborhood coffee shop.

    She was like a surrogate Mother to me. Very opinionated and outspoken. Had a tag on the front of her car saying Born to *itch.

    Mother will not have a funeral as no one but me and my brothers girlfriend would come. She has alienated an entire town and church.

  9. I have never been to a small funeral. That is sad though! Hey are you going to add me as a contact?

  10. That is sad. I have never been to a real small funeral.

    Mine may be the smallest & I'll be there alright. LOL

    I have been to some really large funerals of everyday people.

    They are very impressive. ~~~~

    What great things are said of these people, now dead.

    What a contribution they made in life & many tears where shed.

    I can just imagine they died in peace.

    And their soul joined it's maker for eternity. ~~~~

  11. I won't be concerned if no one shows up at mine. I will be otherwise occupied.

  12. Mine was my aunt's.  My cousin rented this big room and the only ones in attendance were my mother, me, my cousin's ex-wife, and my cousin.  My aunt was cremated so we only had this picture of her - all in this great big room.  I didn't get it.  Anyway, my mom and I had to do the funeral program.  My aunt died at 83.

  13. The older you get the fewer of your friends are left  to attend it . . sad fact !

    Answer to question :

    . . .My turtle Ulysses . . .I was the only one ! = (

  14. I did not go but my mother did. Our neighbor died and mom went. She was the only person there other than his wife.

  15. Pets funerals. Just the grand kids, grandpa and I are the only ones to attend. When I die I don't want any one to attend. I want a closed casket and only my family to come to say goodbye.   Poppy

  16. 8 my grandmother was buried in Tulsa Ok and she hadn't lived there in 25 years so it was just her family.

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