
What was the <span title="...............................?">............................</span>

by  |  earlier

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what was the scariest thing that happened to you and tell the deatails please




  1. I was raped when I was 14. Sorry but I am not going into detail.

  2. just like a week ago i almost drowned this little kid was playing with me in my pool and he got on my shoulders and i went underwater and he wouldn&#039;t let go i couldn&#039;t get up or anything that kid was strong. He didn&#039;t mean anything by it but by the time i got up i had to twist myself around and gasp for air it was pretty extreme. After that i was worn out and today was my first time in the pool in like a week.

  3. The other night there was one of those Goliath size roaches that come out of the pits of h**l or something and was crawling on the top part of my bedroom wall. Now this wouldnt have been so bad but I have a phobia of roaches(bugs). I cant even stand butterflies. And I sprayed it so it fell. So Im standing up and it comes charging at me out of nowhere! I jumped on my bed and almost broke my leg. It went behind my drawer next to my bed.  I sprayed like a madwoman completely freaked that this stupid spray wasnt working. It went to the other side of my room behind another drawer and I could hear it hitting stuff...I was so disgusted. I sprayed some more. It was to the point that I couldnt breathe and was choking on the spray. Not only that but I was so terrified I was shaking and crying...yes I know what your all thinking lol. I sprayed some more and I thought it died because it just sat there in between my bed and drawer. When I left and came back it was gone. I was sooooo scared. I saw it under my bed and I sprayed some more. It finally died but I didnt sleep in that room for over a week and the smell of spray was there for over 2 weeks. Not only that but I used one entire can on it. It made me think that roaches are becoming stronger or something against freaking bug spray. I had a few nightmares about that night too.

  4. i once got mugged while waiting on a bus. i was so scared and i actually thought the guy was gonna kill me. i remember thinking at the time &#039;&#039;this guy isn&#039;t gonna just mug me he is gonna kill me&#039;&#039; and then i thought &#039;&#039;these could be the last few thoughts of my life...why cant i think about anything decent????&#039;&#039;..... scary time my dear but over it now

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