
What was the spirit of the Ancient Olympics Games in Greece?

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  1. It was clearly the spirit of sportsmanship. The Olympic oath was given before the games began by all athletes, swearing to be honest and fight fair with their teammates.

    Also, a truce was among the Greek tribes while the Olympics were on.

    Unfortunately, this is not happening anymore nowadays

  2. The great Greek poet, Kostis Palamas captured the spirit of the games in the Olympic Hymn that he wrote.  It is now performed at the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games when the Olympic flag is raised....but if you don't pay attention, it is easy to miss.  Usually every nation that hosts the Games performs the Olympic Hymn in their own language and in the original Greek  (and a translation into English is presented for reference.)

    Here it is in Greek...

    Αρχαίο Πνεύμα αθάνατο, αγνέ πατέρα

    του ωραίου, του μεγάλου και του αληθινού,

    Κατέβα, φανερώσου κι άστραψε εδώ πέρα

    στη δόξα της δικής σου γης και τ' ουρανού.


    Στο δρόμο και στο πάλεμα και στο λιθάρι

    Στων ευγενών αγώνων λάμψε την ορμή

    Και με το αμάραντο στεφάνωσε κλωνάρι

    και σιδερένιο πλάσε και άξιο το κορμί.


    Κάμποι, βουνά και θάλασσες φέγγουνε μαζί σου

    σαν ένας λευκοπόρφυρος μέγας ναός.

    Και τρέχει στο ναό εδώ προσκυνητής σου

    Αρχαίο Πνεύμα αθάνατο, κάθε λαός.

    And here it is in English ------>

    Ancient and immortal spirit, pure father

    Of all things beautiful and great and true,

    Come and reveal yourself again among us

    Amid the splendor of your land and sky.

    Where athletes race, wrestle and throw the stone,

    Burn in the heat of noble rivalry;

    And crown them with unfading boughs

    And make their bodies fair and iron-strong.

    Meadows and mountains and seas shine with you

    Like a white-crimson great temple,

    And to this shrine  rush pilgrims,

    O ancient and immortal spirit, from all nations.

    (I hope you realize the translation does not do justice to the original, but at least this way u can kinda understand the meaning.)

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