
What was the strangest unexplained occurrence you have witnessed personally?

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Was it something that changed your mind about what may be possible?




  1. My dryer opened by itself.  It made me believe that there were forces around to help us.

  2. The same car passed my car trice in two miles and there was no exit for the car to get off the interstate, and I did not pass the car.

  3. I saw one of those giant black flying triangles over Custer, Wa.

    It changed my mind about how big a thing can be in the air, it's not everyday you something the size of a city block up in the sky.

  4. I like to think I have a scientific mind and don't believe in para-normal but I knew a man who was the Postmaster in my home town and he had passed away and I forgot about it after several years. I was in a local Wal-Mart waiting for my girlfriend and I was standing near the front and I saw the Post Master and he started talking to me. We talked for ten to fifteen minutes and he and I parted way's and I then gave up and went to the car and my  girlfriend was standing at the car. I told her why I was late or did not see her and she then advised me that this person had died several years ago. That was over twenty years ago and I still remember the shirt he was wearing and what he looked like. Don't believe it myself sometimes.

  5. Hm, well, I can't say that anything has changed my mind about what might be possible, because I believe in such things, and have had too many things happen to think otherwise...

    My sister died in 02, I've had several occurrences related to her since... I had a frame with a couple of her wedding photos in it sitting on a shelf.  About a year after she died, the frame suddenly flew off the shelf to the floor.  A couple days later we found out my sister's husband had proposed to another that night.... I think the strangest one was the night before I had to put my cat down, though...she attracted a banshee, which is supposed to be pretty unusual for a pet to attract a banshee...she was laying on the floor near a window, and I was staying by her through the night....there was this screaming and wailing right outside the window, I kept looking out to see what was going on, but there was nothing to be seen.....There's a website called that does animated stories of things like that...there is an animation about banshees there...the wail at the end of the animation is exactly what I heard that night.....


  6. I guess one of the things was when my son was raised up off the bed about a foot...I had to push him back down. Didn't scare me then..but scares me now!!

    Edit..from my question...De can email me..but there's really nothing else to tell paranormally. That' about all that happened to him.

    EDIT..De..I couldn't reply to your email. I tried both ways. Not much more to tell anyway. I was in the room & saw it happen & pushed him back down. I didn't tell him for years. He was 13..normal wt. I pushed down on his stomach & he slowly went back down to the bed. It was like I was pushing against a force. I don't know why it didn't scare me. I told my priest & that it didn't scare me. He said, "You SHOULD have been scared!!" lol..I don't know why he didn't suggest a blessing of the house. We had been to a Charismatic service in a nearby town...where you get "slain in the spirit". I fell back..but he didn't..but he said he felt a "force" or something coming by him. I don't know if it was this..or that a psychic had lived in the house before we moved in.I didn't make a big thing of it..who would believe it anyway?? (I don't remember what time it was...he was asleep but I wasn't.)

  7. I guess the one paranormal thing that changed my life,

    actualy put me on the path to where I am now was...

    In 1999 My husband and purchased a home waaay below market value. The first night we stayed there we heard some strange noises but chocked it up to being a new place.

    As time went on many thing would happen, the oven would turn itself off, food would be put in the refridgerator that was left out to defrost, my dog would never go into a certain room,it was at least 10 degrees colder. He would just sit staring and cowaring at the door.

    In 2002 we had a baby girl, the activity picked up more things moving more noises more cold areas. Then in 2003 my daughter things started getting piled up by the door, when she cry the one bedroom door would slam(it was already closed).

    We decided to sell the home but could not afford 2 payments and were forced to stay there until it was sold. Then the scariest thing I ever experienced happened, after a pretty bad night my daughter came out of her room crying. Upon entering into the living room where I was, she flew backwards,

    I mean feet off the ground going backwards, there were only inches from where her head was and the fireplace hearth.

    When I picked her up she was screaming and pointing I lifted up her shirt and there was a read welt in the shape of a hand on her chest.

    I took my daughter to my mothers and went to the library

    went back to the house did some more research, then conducted my very first investigation. I got some interesting things.

    The house sold 30 day's later and  since 2003 it has changed hands 7 times. The last 4 sales have been for a substantial loss and this last exchange was a foreclosure.

    No one want's to be in that house for any length of time, and I don't blame them!!

  8. I have had many occurrences with a ghost cat. Like once, I was in my room, with none of my cats, sitting at my desk. My bed is next to my desk. I kept my eyes on my desk focused on what I was doing. All the sudden I heard a cat jump off the bed. I immediately look up thinking it was my cat and wanted to pet him. I didn't see anything. I looked around and nothing was there. I saw in the sheets a perfect imprint of where a cat was curled up. If a cat was there, it would have been warm, it was cold.

    I've had many other things happen like this, and even catching a glimpse of this cat a couple times. I think this cat might be a ghost of someone or my spirit guide in the form of an animal for comfort.(I'd be scared out of my mind if it was a human)

  9. I've seen what I assume to be ghost several times. The first I remember being when I was a small child. My Grandparents back door faced a grave yard. I was standing at the glass stormdoor looking toward the grave yard . I saw two hooded figures with staffs on either side of the entrance to the graveyard with large black dogs at their sides. When I told my grandmother. she looked and did not see it. It was chalked up to a childs imagination. How ever she did say that the man that was to be layed to rest their that day was mean as h**l!!!

  10. it was the afternoon (I was about 7) and I was heading home to my house on my scooter... when I got there I saw what looked like a miniature ufo.. it looked like it was struggling to fly (like it was wobbling as it spun). I told others about it, but they just smiled at me when I told them

  11. I have seen a  lot in the paranormal field.

    I'll post a link to the experience I shared with a friend. This experience changed a lot of my out look on the beings of the paranormal.

    It is to long to c&p here.

  12. After my ex boyfriend died I dreamt that a large hand was holding a scorpion up in front of my face. I felt really calm and the dream was really clear. I looked on the online dream dictionary and saw that a scorpion represents death and rebirth/new life. Three months later I became pregnant (now 9 months). It changed how I felt about death because with death comes new life. The world keeps moving.

  13. Some years ago, my mother and I purchased a house.  Soon after we moved in, we started seeing things ,shadows. I was scared. It didn't seem to bother my mother. Any time my brothers and sisters were in the house, they also saw shadows.

    When my grandmother came to live with us because she couldn't take of herself any more, she said there were blood stains on the wood floor in her room. She went on to say that if blood was shed and the person died, the blood couldn't be cleaned and would never go away.

    It was not long after we started hearing the stories about the owners son committing suicide in the house.

    One weekend my boyfriend came home from college and spent the night. As soon as we turned off the lights, I saw a shadow standing by the closet door. I didn't say anything, for fear that he would think I was nuts. He blurted out "did you see that". Since then, I know we are not alone.

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