
What was the support like for the Vietnam war in Vietnam?

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I've read alot about the amount of support [or lack of] for the Vietnam war from such countries such as America but what about the support for the war from inside Vietnam?




  1. I think what you are asking is were the Vietnamese in favor of the war. No one, especially the Vietnamese who were at war for a long, long time, likes war but, the South Vietnamese did not want the communists taking over and they supported the U.S. being there. The South Vietnamese government however, was very corrupt and although their military was very courageous, their own government let them down by robbing the country blind. I was there for a couple of years and eventually married a Vietnamese lady. She is now a very proud American citizen and she definetely hates war with a passion. She would go to war in a heartbeat however with anyone that messed with her adopted country!

  2. I have to agree with Peter 100%. While I was never there myself every NCO and Officer I served under had been. I also had 2 cousins and a couple of amputees tell me plenty when I was in High School.

    The real education came in 2000 when I started seeing a woman that grew up in Trah Vinh and was in Saigon when it fell.

    Her Brother in Law was a ARVN Major serving from 1955-1975, he is here too. He wanted to cut off John Kerry's manhood when he found out the c**p he had said went on in Viet Nam. Helen and all her friends backed him up and said all that anti war c**p told here was Bravo Sierra. Her village was bombed once, she said leaflets were dropped for 3 day's telling them to evac. The Vietnamese language papers were blasting Kerry in 2003 and 2004 for his lies.

    I know what the communist did to her. I know how she got out and how others got out. You don't risk your life to that level just because life is tough, they did it because it was F ing miserable.

    Even though we have been at odds for the last 2 years she still has my Basic Training photo up in the kitchen at the familiy biz. They are all Vietnames so I would have to say, as I have been told by them, that they were glad for the help and now understand the politics that lead us out.

    Her generation that is here love Ronald Reagan for staning up to communism.

    They HATE communists.

    It is still Saigon to them.

    I once had to chase after her to stop her from attacking 2 guy's at the mall. They were speaking Vietnamese so I first thought she knew them from the refugee camp. Some there were not exactly noble men. Once I got her calmed down she told me they were from the north. She can detect the accent. Nuff said.

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