
What was the thing that made some girls infertile?

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i remember hearing that back in the day, women took some sort of pill/medication/chemical of some sort tha caused them and their baby girls infertility. What was this called?




  1. Thalidomide is not the drug that causes the baby girls to become infertile.  It does cause serious deformities but not infertility.  

    The drug that does that is on the tip of my tongue....darn it...

    I know that DDT is a pesticide that has shown to cause infertility in both men and women, but that isn't the one that you are asking about.  I'll keep searching for it and EDIT my answer later if I find it.

    It is NOT Thalidomide though...


    Found it...

    DES is short for Diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic oestrogen (female s*x hormone) that was prescribed during the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s to pregnant women mainly to prevent miscarriage but also for complications in pregnancy such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

    This has left two key DES-exposed groups: DES mothers and their daughters and sons. DES has been found to cause birth defects in the reproductive tracts of some DES children, and it also causes a rare form of cancer of the v****a or cervix in some DES daughters.

  2. Formeldahide? (That spelling is incorrect)

    That was a drug they gave mothers for morning sickness and had no idea of its dangerous side-effects

  3. a great many things over the years have been proven to be detrimental to the fertility of women. i don't know where you would find a list. nobody wants that kind of information made public. tmm


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