
What was the type of government established in jamestown?

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What was the type of government established in jamestown?




  1. Jamestown was organized under a royal charter signed by James I in 1606. He granted the Virginia Company authority to start a commercial enterprise in what is now Virgina. In effect Jamestown started as a company intended to make money.

    Between 1606 and 1619 it became clear that Jamestown was becoming a permanent settlement. Women and children began to arrive and the colony become more then just a commercial operation. In 1609 the king signed a second charter and shares were sold to the public. This meant that James I didn't have absolute control over the operation, many others had a say. to quote one site "By 1618, however, martial law was abolished, the legislative assembly created, and some of the power of government finally trickled into the hands of the settlers. Together, the two trends explained above accelerated the overall trend towards a colony less commercial, and more political in character"

    In 1619 a legislative Assembly was formed this formed a basis for representative government in the colony.

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