
What was the weirdest/meanest thing you ever got inside a gift bag?

by  |  earlier

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Mine was a "How to lose Weight" book.




  1. lool

    okay so it was my friends birthday party

    (this is really disgusting)

    anyway one of my other friends took a c**p inside illuminum foil and like wrapped up into a weird shape.

    my friend opened it and puked

  2. I'm always playing practical jokes, soooo, you know what they say about paybacks.  For Christmas at my companies' holiday party we all exchanged gifts.  I got a bag of COAL with a note saying, "you've been naughty" It was embarassing as everyone asked, "What did you get?" It was chocolate wrapped to look like coal, but everyone was laughing at me.

    For my birthday my friends took me to a bar last year.  I got my bag as they all pitched in and opened it.  There were a pair of old, tired, dirty used shoes... nice, huh?  And a Fat-Fetish x*x magazine.   Of course, they gave me the gift certificate AFTER the ordeal.

  3. i was working at a hair salon so we were all very close since we were with eachther EVERY DAY all day long...  

    anyway we did a secret santa and my friend that worked there (the only guy) got me a vibrator cuz he said i was pissed all the time that maybe this will help lighten up my mood. Jerk. lol  i was embarassed but then they all started laughin.. anyway, turns out he was right. but still..  

  4. I work with a department at work.  This department has 10 women.  So they were having an x-mas party at the office and invited me to join them since I work alongside them all the time.  The game was random gift exchange.

    What I didn't know is that two ladies went out and bought a bunch of things prior to inviting me.  So quite naturally it wasn't a surprise to me that I opened my x-mas gift bag and I found soaps, chocolates, and a pink scarf.

    Now me, I have a healthy personality so I had all sorts of fun in front of them acting like a giggly girl and putting on the scarf and everything.  The ladies that went shopping were so embarassed because they didn't think to buy "guy" stuff.

    Overall, yeah that was wierd.

  5. ha ha gosh I have a list of things:


    A bar of indian soap...




    .....gosh I can't think of the others, but I think you get the idea :D lol

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