
What was the worst book/series you ever read?

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Twilight series for me. You can't come back from that...ugh just the plot itself, and the characters and the LAME things like 'his hand touched my cheek and I fell to the floor'




  1. catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger was the worst so far.

  2. hmmm hard one but probs deadly unna had to read it for school ot was bad

  3. Eragon and all its novel friends that followed. It was one humongous cliche.

  4. The Vampire Huntress I got through some of the first book and i was DONE.  Terrible.

  5. The Great Gatsby was terrible, the characters where horrific, and the writing was dull. Catcher in the Rye, while herald as a classic by many generations, failed to keep my attention. Salinger over used the word "really"  

    and of course, twilight. i couldnt get past the first chapter

  6. I don't remember the title, but it was written by Barbara Cartland

  7. I didn't finish it.

  8. I've tried reading Catherine Coulter's books a couple of times but each time, while the stories were sound, I've found the writing style itself to be immature and simplistic.  Far for me to critic a reputable, best selling author but that's how I feel.

  9. Well, "The Shipping News" (Pulitzer) was pretty bad, I thought. Overwritten.

    "Things Fall Apart" by Chinewa Achebe (Booker prize) was depressing and it was hard to see a point.

    "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand - 750 pages of unsympathetic, maladjusted and detestable characters, ending with an explosion of self-pity and artistic snobbery bemoaning the thick-headedness of the rest of inferior humanity. Ugh. But this is considered a classic and you should slug through it, if for no other reason than you can join me in bashing it when you are done.

    I really detest Danielle Steele and her ilk. My writing prof used to use her novels as an example of what NOT to do. She is just a bad writer. To tell the truth, I don't know if her stories are any good, because I couldn't get past the bad writing.

  10. Hm... Eragon / Prophecy of the Stones.

    They both had stupid predictable plot lines, and were horribly written.

  11. The Northen Lights was not a good series and I don't like Twilight either and my friend bought them all for me and I still haven't read Breaking Dawn yet.

  12. Animal farm, ewwwww..... it's a horrible book.... that and salt!

  13. I know it's supposedly a classic and everybody loves it but the worst book that I've read and remember is Catcher in the Rye.  I started reading another book that kept making references to it, and the main character hated the book too.  I had never read it before and didn't see what the big deal with Catcher way.  I figured no book could be as bad as he claimed.  So instead of going to the library I went and bought it.  I remembered when I was in high school a couple of teachers had recommended and told me they thought I might identify with Holden.

    I was so horrible that the only reason I kept reading it was because I was convinced  that it eventually had to get better, it is a classic right.

    Little over half way through the book the only reason I finished it was because I had made it that far, and it was bound to get better at some point.  I finished it and I'm still wondering why I bothered to read it to begin with.  So yeah, worst book I've ever read.

  14. I thought Z for Zachariah was pretty terrible.

  15. Breaking Dawn!!

  16. I never read any bad books, because if the first chapter sounds bad, I put it back on the shelf and don't buy it. Although, in school, the worst book I read was Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet. I know a lot of people liked them, but I just didn't have a taste for those books. I don't know if it counts, because I was required to read them.

  17. Hands down, the title belongs to Arundathi Roy's award-winning debut novel, God of Small Things.

    This book should be titled "Graphic Incest and Child Molestation Descriptions Disguised as an Exotic Cliche"

  18. I know everyone says its a classic but really I found Northern Lights INCREDIBLY boring. It just didn't hook me in at all.

  19. I hate Narnia series. Period.


  20. I have mentioned the horror of this book countless times in Books and Authors, but "The Vampire Armand" by Anne Rice. The beginning was very well-written, and even beautiful, but then there was all this g*y vampire mansex and I was just like, "OHHHHH my GOD! Whooooaaaaaaa!" And I NEVER opened THAT book again!

  21. Hmmm...if you exclude a series of school textbooks, I'd have to say Twilight.

    Sounds like your typical answer from a Twilight-hater, but my biggest beef is the poor writing style, the lack of the barely there plot, the maturity of the characters, and so on and so forth.

    What bothers me most is how these characters act like they're new to the whole teenage thing rather than being wise of the experience. I'm reading a novel called Marked, and the character's fourteen, and she acts years more mature than little Bella does. But I guess that contributes to Meyer's lack of research into the teenage mind, and the fact the the co-authors of the book Marked, one was a girl who could still relate to teenagers, so she helped her mother out a lot with this novel. And I must say, teen voice is present on every page, which is just fabulous to me.

    I even wrote an article about the Twilight series which was published in The Augusta Chroncle. You can check it out on my profile.  

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