
What was the worst gift you ever received as a child?

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Mine was a slinky. We didn't have any stairs. :(




  1. clothing

  2. a bra. i threw it in the corner

  3. Jackie, would you allow me to answer this as a gift I received as an adult? I don't remember what I got too well as a child specifically.  About the worst gift I ever received as an adult, was a huge wrench, unwrapped, for a bicycle I had. It was a birthday gift. I could never fix anything myself because I am not the least bit mechanical. I got rid of it when I got rid of the bike, which wasn't too long after.

  4. 1 dollar bill.

  5. underwear

  6. I wasn't exactly poor but we didn't have much money so every gift was something I've cherished. I've learned to appreciate what you get, regardless of what it is.  

  7. I got an R.I.P. shirt of my deceased cousin.

    What a downer!!!

  8. Mine was a large turtle. I screamed when my father gave it to me, but I later learned to love. it.

  9. I never really had a worst . . . I remember one year my brother and I both asked for a transistor  radio . . .he got the radio but I got a charm bracelet.  I was jealous of that radio. 6 months later I got one just like it for my birthday ! !  I had great parents ! !  

  10. It was awful...I was Christmas and I received a plastic apron.  That was it.

  11. One Christmas I got a riding stick with one of those fake plastic horses head on it and my family thought I was going to ride it around the street. Never did ride it.  

  12. I remember being 11 and one of my dad's friends threw a party for his daughter.  Spent lots of money on es cargo and other nasty foods.  What bothered me is my mom wanted me to try it.  She was like "You'll love it, it's what celebrities eat"  The fact that she tells me the name Es cargo didn't make me feel any different about the fact she was trying to feed me snails.  If I had all the money in the world, I would not eat that.

  13. Awww, too bad with no stairs.  I wanted a slinky but my parents kept telling me it would bore me too easily.  Finally, when I was ten I got one from my cousin.  We had FIVE stairs on our front porch.  So, it entertained me well for about three minutes.  

    Worst present ever is when your six and get a pack of socks.  My grand would always get me socks.  And if I didn't fein joy I would be in trouble.  It was the fake smile that was so bad.  

  14. i never received a bad gift. the only time we got a gift was at CHRISTMAS (never more than one or two) and an apple or an orange. i was appreciative of whatever i got.

  15. OH Jackie Blue, you made me laugh. What a deal you got, a slinky & no stairs. I can't help but wonder, how many times that slinky had been around the block ?

    As a child, I do not remember getting any gifts until age ll & they where donated to our family at that time. Times where hard.

    I do remember that I only had one doll that I know of.

    As gifts Mother would sew me little clothes & quilts for her.

    I loved that doll, ~~ I only have one little grand daughter & she has so many dolls. She values none. Her Mother ask that no one give her anymore.

    I guess there was no worst gift for me. I feel for you though. LOL

    ~ Smile, It's contagious~~~

  16. I had an aunt who was "creative".  She gave us stuff like curler bags made from bleach bottle, piggy banks(that looked like pigs) made from bleach bottles, and pin cushions made from old beer cans.

  17. A rock.  In my family we have a tradition where every Saturday in December the kids put their shoes out by the fireplace and the elves will bring a small gift for good kids.  I must not have been good because I got a rock and my sisters got a small gift.  It was the ugliest rock I've ever seen.

  18. The dreaded nightgown & matching robe with slippers.  I never liked things that were exact copies of what my Mother was wearing.  I guess I was an ungrateful child, but that is what it is & it's the worst gift I ever received...every friggin' year...the same worthless items.  

  19. I was fairly poor, and every present was a good one, so....

  20. That's cruel.  

    My worst gift was nothing.

  21. my  wors gift was a picky trausers but I almost everytimes I received gifts that I do  not like much

  22. lmao! ... no stairs ... Well, for me ... I was browsing through the Sears catalog making my Xmas list. I saw this elaborate childrens popcorn popping machine and quickly put that on my list complete w/ page number.

    My Aunt Rita apparently gained access to the list but didn't "follow the pages". She bought me a popcorn making device that required shaking it over the stove ... lol


    Thanks for the Q., my blueness :)

    Now, to put a little spin on the question ... this REALLY gets me.

    One time I opened a wrapped Xmas package f/ my best friend and discovered a box that reflected a foot massager.

    I immediately put it in the closet. A year or 2 later, I was preparing to go to my sister's for Xmas and decided that a great last minute present for my brother-in-law would be the foot massager ... (still in the box) Imagine my horror when he opened the box and revealed crossword puzzle books etc. (stuff he would never want) and stuff I strongly desired ... lol

    Now, to put a little spin on the question ... this REALLY gets me.

    One time I opened a wrapped Xmas package f/ my best friend and discovered a box that reflected a foot massager.

    I immediately put it in the closet. A year or 2 later, I was preparing to go to my sister's for Xmas and decided that a great last minute present for my brother-in-law would be the foot massager ... (still in the box) Imagine my horror when he opened the box and revealed crossword puzzle books etc. (stuff he would never want) and stuff I strongly desired ... lol

    sry for the dbl post ... YA made me do it! ... lol

  23. Ha ha, nice question!

    When I was young, my parents would throw me a party and invite all of my friends. I remember, at one such party, I received a card from a friend which had an IOU note inside it from his parents. It said "IOU a present worth at least £5". Not only was it rude, it was also embarrassing. I'll never forget that.

  24. Mother gave me the exact same gifts two years in a row, on my 7th, and 8th birthdays. I guess she forgot, but my feelings were very hurt...the gifts were Holly Hobby Cologne, mittens with Sesame Street characters faces on the fingers, and Snoopy umbrella. I was a Tom Boy, not a sissy. I guess she hated that, and Grandma got me the same exact cakes, too. Angel Food with white frosting. Yuck!!!! She knew I loved chocolate! Today, I am no Angel.

  25. I was an adult but it was the worst gift I ever got my mom and I don't know why bought me a naked old scag hair doll one year for my birthday I was 26 years old and it was used I still don't know why she got me that I was embarrassed for her but hated the doll I didn't play with dolls I guess Ill never know why.

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