
What was the worst guck you have ever had to swim through ?

by Guest33896  |  earlier

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Purposely or incidentally. Like encountering frog spawn or jellyfish larvae. Ick !!!




  1. Only bugs

  2. I went swimming in a lake, and I somehow swam to a spot where jerk off fishers must have been gutting all their fish and throwing all of the guts back in the water. eew that was so nasty, never going back there again!

  3. Had to compete in an outdoor pool in Minnesota the morning after the mayflies did their thing. During warmups, dead mayflies coated the surface of the pool. They were shoveling *piles* of them off the deck.

  4. well... there is a really nasty lake where it's not exactly clean, but mostly it was when our pool filter broke and within one day it was completely green. our crazy coach still held practice, because the water was clean, just green. i couldn't see my feet, and that wasn't because i'm fat, it was not clear to see 5 feet!!!

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