
What was the worst month of you life and why?

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lets take a little poll what was the worst month of you life where things just took a big turn for the worst and why. Hey mabye someone is just like you and feels the say way try and state the year if you can remeber it... if you dont feel inclined ill start

August 2008-worst month ever!!




  1. March 2006 the day i lost my job.

  2. July 1995.  My daughter was born with a blood disorder and had to have blood tests every day and all together 6 blood transfusions.  I had no one to help me since my husband couldn't stop working if we wanted to pay the bills.  I also had a 15 month old daughter to take care of. I found out that I had gone through all of this with a systematic infection which made me weaker and weaker every day. But I'd do it all again 'cuz my daughter is the apple of my eye!

  3. december '06, guy i liked screwed me over.

    and march '07, started having depression and just wanted to die.

  4. July 1990.  Was looking over the balcony of a sixth floor hotel room when the railing gave way. I landed hard, breaking my left arm and back, and shattering my pelvis. Good thing those rose bushes broke my fall. ;-)

    It took a year to recover, and the court settlements didn't cover everything. I came very close to developing too much of a fondness for morphine and Valium.

    Cold weather still hurts like h**l, even after eighteen years. On the plus side, I can still run and only lost ten percent of my mobility.

  5. June 2001

    my boyfriend cheated on me, i got expelled from school, i failed grade nine after months of skipping

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